

War and Military History

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Vivien Metz

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How did a local struggle in Vietnam become a major cold war conflict

cause it did

Is it be possible that World War 2 could eventually lead to a World War 3

It may have been considered possible once, as the close of World War 2 did lead to the Cold War, which very nearlly turned into a Nuclear war.

However it can be said that any Nuclear war could have it's roots in World war 2 as the Nuclear weapon has it's roots in World war 2.

Also if a Asian Communist nation was to start World war 3then that could be traced back to the Cold war and that in itself could be traced back to World war 2.

It's all just a matter of perspective, for example; many causes of World war 2 have their roots in World war 1 so any war that could be traced back to the Cold war could then be blamed on events of World war 2 and in turn could be linked to the outcome of World war 1.

So their is no yes or no answer as it really depends on how you look at it.

What do supporters of free trade say

Supporters of free trade say that free trade benefits the global economy.

How are Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher similar

Both were politicians, Meir in Israel and Thatcher in the United Kingdom. Both were ministers. Both became the first female Prime Ministers of their respective countries. Both are remembered for strong leadership.

How did the Holocaust contribute to ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict

Answer this question… When the world saw the atrocities that had been committed on the Jewish people during the Holocaust, many states began strongly supporting creating a Jewish state in Palestine.

How was the vietnam war different from the korean war

Communist forces gained more territory because of the Vietnam War, but not as a result of the Korean War. ( Apex )

What was the impact of Mao Zedong's great leap forward in china

Mao's focus on rural steel production led to widespread famine and starvation.

Which of the following describes a difference between communist and free enterprise economic systems

Answer this question… Free enterprise systems allow for more individual economic innovation.

What was the impact of communist leader Pol Pot's rise to power in Cambodia

Answer this question… Millions of citizens were killed, starved, and tortured.

How did post World War 1 treaties affect national borders in Europe and Asia

Austria and Hungary became two states, with considerably less territory than before the war.

The start of the cold war can be attributed to which factors

World War II ended with the Soviet Union establishing communist government Throughout Eastern Europe

How is Gorbachev's role in ending communism acknowledged in US President Ronald Reagan's 1987 speech in which he refers to the Berlin Wall

Reagan refers to some of the results of perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union.

Who would most likely argue to remove the terrorist label from Hamas

Someone who believes that Hamas is defending the right of Palestine to exist

What health problems have resulted from globalization during the 20th and 21st centuries

Disease pandemics have become more difficult to contain in a single region.

What was one of the major consequences of the Haitian Revolution

the Haitian economy was crippled as a result of wartime damage to farms and industries

What effect did the mandate system have on national borders after world war i

The Allied Powers took control of territory in the former Ottoman Empire.

What was an outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917

The Soviet Union became the world's first communist state

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