

US Constitution

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Immanuel Cremin

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What happens when a bill is pigeonholed

It is set aside and no longer considered.


What is the purpose of the calendars used by the house

To help the members organize and complete their work.

An order the president gives based on the authority of the constitution is called

An executive order

What does it mean that the vice president is ''only a heartbeat away'' from the presidency

People say that the Vice President is "only a heartbeat away" from the presidency because the vice president is first in the order of succession. If the President's heart should stop beating, the Vice President takes over the office.
If the president dies or otherwise become incapacitated, the vice-president becomes president.

who requires that every bill order and resolution be presented to the president


The vice presidency has taken on more importance in recent years because of what

the influence and experience of recent vice presidents

Before being amended the Constitution stated that if the presidency became vacant coma the powers and duties of the president were to be

Transferred to the vice president but not the office itself. ( gradpoint

On which House calendar would a bill that deals with money or property be placed

the calendar of the committee of the whole

Through the years several plans have been suggested to do what

have the president appointed by the senate. (grad point)

When After a bill is introduced in the House and numbered what is the next step

It goes to Committee.

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