

Literary Terminology

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Cristobal Kuhlman

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What was the Warsaw Pact

A military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Organized in 1955 in answer to NATO, the Warsaw Pact included Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union. It disintegrated in 1991, in the wake of the collapse of communism in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

The treaty was signed in Warsaw on 14 May 1955, and the pact was dissolved in Prague on 1 July 1991.

The Warsaw Pact no longer exists. It was an alliance of the Eastern Bloc countries, established in 1955 by the Soviet Union as a counterpart to NATO.
It is not war saw, but Warsaw. In response to the birth of the NATO, the Communist countries of Europe signed a treaty of mutual defense and military aid in May 1955. The leading country of the Warsaw Pact was the USSR. This 'coalition' collapsed in 1991, when the USSR dissolved.

What is the major focus of Article II

Article II defines the American Presidency

What is Narration by an outside observer known as

Narration by an outside observer is known as third person narration. A third person narrator is an impartial, objective third person who is not part of the story.

How does anticipation help a persuasive argument

It allows you to prepare in advance for things that you expect to happen.

What is the main focus of what's your story

The main focus of a story is what the story is about. This is from to start to the end.

Why does Helen feel bad about breaking the doll at the end of the chapter

She realizes that it has a specific name.

Which type of narrator would an author use if he or she wanted to create a more personal experience for the audience

First person

What is one benefit of internal storytelling

It helps us to frame the way we see events of the past

Which audience appeal does Hirohito most clearly use in this excerpt

Ethos and Logos

How does Helen feel when she goes to bed at night


What conflict is best revealed in this passage from Helen Keller's The Story of My Life

I wa the answer

What element of plot is this passage an example of

well, we need to know the passage so we can give an answer properly...

What word from the passage provides a clue to the type of narration being used


Why did miss Sullivan repeatedly spell water into Helens hands while pouring water over them


Which situation is an example of conflict

An animal rights activist tries to save the Bengal tiger from being hunted to extinction. (apex)

Which statement describes an example of a narrative

A child tells his friends about the exciting adventures he had over summer vacation

Which statement best represents the conflict in this passage

Jaja must choose between practicing her violin and going out with her friends

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What was the Warsaw Pact

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What is Narration by an outside observer known as

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