

History of the United States

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Eleazar Sanford

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Why did the US end the negotiations with France during the xyz affair

French officials demanded that the United States pay bribes.

Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress

The Cabinet position of Attorney General was established by an Act of Congress.

When did Francis Scott Key write the Star- Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner" in 1814.

Why did Thomas Jefferson order the embargo against great Britain in 1807

To prevent the british impressment of American sailors- novanet

How did Thomas Jefferson's view of the national debt differ from that of Alexander Hamilton

Their views were very different. After consolidating all the US foreign debt, the national debt and the state's debts (largely war costs), Hamilton saw the loans from Europe at 4 % instead of 6% as a breather for a few years while to give a chance for our economy to develop. He had set up a 'sinking fund' which was responsible for paying it off.

Jefferson abhorred a national debt and it was a very high priority to pay it off ASAP. Very noble but then we had no money available to keep our security strong at home and Britain was tempted to take advantage and thus led us to the War of 1812-14. Jefferson did not understand finances.

Jefferson also detested banks, the stock market, and manufacturing. He did not understand the value of their contribution. He denigrated Hamilton and his economic system. His first objective when he became president was to have his Secretary of Treasury, the esteemed Swiss Albert Gallatin, review all Hamilton's systems and root them out of being! After the review was done, Jefferson was told that the system was perfect and if you removed one part it would all fail. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe all benefited from Hamilton's economic system throughout their 24 years of Presidencies.

The ironic thing is that Jefferson was only able to purchase the Louisiana Territory because of Hamilton's financial credit success. Most of it was obtained through European lenders.
Jefferson wanted to pay off the debt; Hamilton did not

How did the French Revolution affect American politics

The French Revolution had no direct effect on the United States. A new country, the US had sufficient teething problems organizing and financing their new democracy, and the turmoil in France had no effect. However, after the Revolution, when Napoleon returned to power and fought the English, it gave Jefferson's reconstituted US Navy the opportunity to support the US Marines in the early fight against the Barbary pirates in the Mediteranian.

How did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory help the United states avoid war with European powers

It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

How did the alien and sedition acts divide American political parties

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

What was the goal of Macon's bill no.2

To persuade France and Great Britain to recognize neutrality

What effect did the sanctity of contracts have on state governments' power

it limited the power of states to regulate business

Which of the following is not part of Justice John Marshall's legacy

He insisted that state laws were superior to federal laws.

What action Thomas Jefferson did he say was an act beyond the constitution

The U.S. purchase of land from a foreign government

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