

Chinese Dynasties

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Irma Kerluke

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How do you reach enlightenment in Hinduism

Through repeated reincarnations

How did Christianity contribute to the fall of the Roman Empire

Christianity did not contribute to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. Some pagan Romans believed that it weakened the Romans by weakening their fighting spirit. This was untrue and this view reflected their dislike for and bias against Christianity. The Christian emperors of the later Empire were as resolute in trying to defend the Roman Empire as the previous pagan emperors had been.

The co-emperors Gratian and, especially, Theodosius I (or the Great) aimed at religious uniformity. Their Edict of Thessalonica (380) made mainstream Christianity the sole legitimate religion of the empire and banned dissident Christian doctrines, which were branded heretic. The main target was Arian Christianity which was the main dissident Christian doctrine and was popular around the empire. Theodosius immediately started persecuting the Arians. He also persecuted Roman religion and other pagan creeds, particularly Manichaeism which was briefly the main rival to Christianity in the competition to replace classical paganism.

Theodosius promoted greater religious uniformity in the Roman Empire and, through this, greater cohesion. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The Germanic invaders were also Christians even though they had been converted to the Arian form of Christianity, The eastern part of the Roman Empire, which was just as Christian as the western part, was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

Mainstream Christianity was 'Western or Latin Christianity' and 'Eastern or Greek Christianity.' The former was the main form of Christianity in the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter the main form in the eastern part. Later they came to be called Catholic and Orthodox respectively.

Which was an accomplishment of the Han dynasty
  • Expansion of the civil service system
  • Expansion of the Great Wall <-- apex
  • Expansion of the size of the empire
Which is a component of Hinduism


What is the Hadith science

Hadith is an Arabic word that means 'saying' when said hadith that it means a saying of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its plural is Ahadith (that means sayings). Hadith science is the science that deals with study of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sayings (or Ahadith) regarding their authenticity, ritual worships rules, morals, ...).

Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti describes hadith science as "the science of the principles by which the conditions of both the sanad, the chain of narration, and the matn, the text of the hadith, are known."

What did the first Qin emperor do because of his belief in Legalism

He ruled as an autocrat.

he passed strict laws (apex)

What group of people was known for its advanced weaponry such as bronze breastplates and chariots

The Mycenaeans

How did the Untouchables suffer in the Indian caste system

They were forced to take menial jobs.

Which of the following kingdoms was not located in West Africa - Songhai Axum Benin

Axum -- It was located in Ethiopia, which is in eastern Africa.

What religion adheres to five principles of faith


What is a true statement about Japan and China

Japan relies on trade for most of its food.

What statement about camels was true

Camels contributed to the success of West African trading kingdoms because of their usefulness as pack animals on the gold route.

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