

History of Russia

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Keira Boyle

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2y ago
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After serfs gained their freedom what is true of their conditions

the conditions stayed the same.


Which city was built by peasant workers

st petersburg

How did the Revolution of 1905 affect Russia

It left Russia's problems mostly unsolved

Under the leadership of Peter the Great what were Russian men encouraged to do

Russian men were encouraged to shave their beards more in the style of men in the western countries who were beginning to go clean shaven. One way Peter the Great encouraged this was to impose a tax on men who wanted to wear beards.

During the mid-1800s who did Russian leaders suppress

all of the answers

During which event that occurred in 1899 were Chinese Christians western merchants missionaries and diplomats tortured and killed

Boxer Rebellion

After the serfs were freed in 1861 what did Alexander II refuse to give them


Which term is defined as an official with the power to examine remove or prohibit any publications deemed objectionable to a government


Why was there much confusion During the Time of Troubles in Russia

A lack of leadership

What did the czar do when peaceful workers carried their requests to him

He Ordered The Guards To Open Fire!(:

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