

Colonial America

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Jonathon Witting

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

The original purpose of the Jamestown colony was to make money for the Virginia Company.

What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, included:

  • Increased taxes on the American colonists to pay for the war
  • England acquired the former French territories in Canada and owned all the land from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi river.
  • French from Acadia were expelled and migrated to Louisiana, forming the Cajun culture
  • settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden by the Crown
  • England acquired formerly French territory in the Caribbean and in India.
  • King George III taxed American colonists to pay for the war.
  • King George III would not let colonists settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What did the headright system do

The Headright system began in the US state of Virginia.

The Headright system tried to solve the labor shortage problem. It was also a way to attract new colonists. Immigrant colonists were given one headright and could receive one more for each passage they paid for an additional immigrant.

The Headright system also led to too much distribution of land, increasing the tension between the Native Americans and the colonists. It also let to the increase of indentured servitude and slavery.

Why did indentured servants become important to chesapeake society

In the beginning, there was not much people who were willing to work for wages in Chesapeake society which is why indentured servants were brought from England. They became the backbone of the colony.

How were the West African kingdoms involved in the slave trade

they sold other Africans to slave traders

The West African tribes, waged war with each other in order to raid and captured people from rival tribes which they then transported to the coast and sold to slave traders. It was a lucrative business for them and made the coastal tribes very rich and powerful.

How did the Jamestown colony make money for the Virginia Company

Growing and selling tobacco

How did many poor people get to the New World

By becoming indentured servants

According to his report what did the native people think about Columbus

They believed that he and his men were gods, sent from heaven.

Which of these jobs in Colonial America was known for being dangerous


An effect of the Columbian Exchange on both Africa and Europe was

that improved diets from new food sources.
That it improved diets from new food sources

Objects such as wool blankets and skills such as horsemanship among Plains Indian tribes are examples of the Columbian Exchange causing what

Objects such as wool blankets and skills such as horsemanship among plains Indian Tribes are examples of the Colombian exchange causing cultural changes.
Cultural Change
cultural change

In the trade network what did the Native Americans provide


Chattel slavery is the term used to describe when a slave is treated as

Chattel slaves are individuals treated as complete property, to be bought and sold.

What was A difficulty in understanding the Columbian exchange is that

Things once unknown now seem like they have always been a part of many cultures.

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

What was one result of the French and Indian War

What did the headright system do

Why did indentured servants become important to chesapeake society

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

What was the headright system

What was one result of the French and Indian War

What did the headright system do

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

What deadly effect did the Columbian Exchange have

What did the headright system do

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

What deadly effect did the Columbian Exchange have

What did the headright system do

What was the goal of the first settlers in New England

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