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Keira Boyle

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What is synesthesia in tagalog


The female flapper of the 1920 was more image than reality

Yes, the female flapper of the 1920s was more image than reality.

What's an example of synecdoche in a song lyrics

"Like a Virgin" is an example of synecdoche in song lyrics. The song was released in the 1980s by Madonna.

How do you use the word glimpsed in a sentence

Glimpsed is a verb.

I glimpsed the solar eclipse through a window before he could pull me away.

Which gives the best example of context affecting an image

A statue in a garden feels different from a statue in a museum. (APEX)

Which best explains why a rose might be a symbol in poetry

It has come to represent love.

Which best explains how poets try to explore symbols

They discover complexity beyond the standard meaning of the object

Which best explains the term connotation

What a word suggests beyond its literal meaning

Which is the best example of etymology

The word comb comes from a Greek Word meaning "tooth"

What best describes the use of personification in ancient in ancient myths

abstract concepts and natural phenomena are represented by gods.

What metaphor compares something concrete to something abstract

Examples of metaphors using concrete and abstract nouns:

  • Her pride was a panther crouched to pounce.
  • You're on the first rung on the ladder of success.
  • Their reasoning is full of holes.
  • The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars... (William Shakespeare)
What effect is a writer most likely to create by using an allusion that is too dramatic for the context

the allusion will seem ironic or absurd

Why does personification require empathy

Personification requires the poet to imagine how something else might feel

What does it mean for an image to carry associations

an image may make the reader think....

Which allusion would most likely be read as too dramatic for the context

it will read as serious or somber. -apex

Which is the best example of a cultural association with an object

Most people in a nation feel patriotic when they see their flag.

which language groups do most english words come from


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What is synesthesia in tagalog

The female flapper of the 1920 was more image than reality

Which is the best definition of figurative language

What's an example of synecdoche in a song lyrics

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