

World War 2

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Gaston Adams

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What was the result of the attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Many died and World War 2 began for the U.S. The war had already started.Also, Japanese-Americans were put in concentration camps because they were known to be spying for Japan. The result of the attack on Pearl Harbor was... the USS Oklahoma, USS Utah, and USS Arizona were sunk. Between those 3 - within 15 minutes.. we had lost approximately 1800 soldiers. We lost 2,403 Americans that day including 68 civilians.
  • It also was one of those defining moments when Americans from coast to coast stood up and refused to be ignored. Within 24 hours the recruiting offices all across the country were open with lines stretching for blocks. By attacking Americans on American soil, the public refused to take it lying down. Anyone who was able signed up to serve in the war.
  • Congress declared war on Japan.
How did general hideki Tojo come to power as the Japanese prime minister

Nation condition

What resulted from the bataan death march

As a result of the Bataan Death March, more than 7000 American and Filipino troops died.

How did Benito Mussolini get control over Italy's government

One thing Benito Mussolini did was outlaw political parties.

What mistake did general Douglas MacArthur make in December 1941

He miscalculated the strength of the Japanese and was forced to retreat.

MacArthur positioned his forces to repel the Japanese land attack on December 22, but he badly miscalculated the strength of the enemy and was forced to retreat.

Why did president Franklin D Roosevelt want congress to approve the lend-lease act

to give Britain the American aid it needed but had run out of money to pay for

What accurately describes modernism

an emphasis on science and secular values.

What gave the allies a crucial advantage over the axis powers during world war ii

the high level of America's wartime production

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What was the result of the attack on Pearl Harbor

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What was the result of the attack on Pearl Harbor

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