

A Raisin in the Sun

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Elva Reinger

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Cards in this guide (25)
When was Notes of a Native Son created

Notes of a Native Son was created in 1955.

What does the narrator discover about himself after attacking the waitress in notes of a native son

He was prepared to hurt someone. ( apex)

What force in society was the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s most trying to overcome




What central metaphor runs throughout James Baldwin's Notes of a Native son

Hatred is a disease.

What is one possible theme of A Raisin in the Sun

Embracing ones identity can be empowering

What best describes a central idea or motif in A Raisin in the Sun


Which was one major achievement of the civil rights movement during the 1940s or 1950s

The Brown v. Board of education ruling

What best explains why the character Asagai is a symbol for heritage


Read the following excerpt from Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin Once this disease is contracted one can never be really carefree again for the fever without an instant's warning can recur at an

It compares hate to a disease that cannot be cured.

What best describes Walter Senior

a proud man (apex)

What was one major achievement of the civil rights movement during the 1940s or 1950s

The Brown v. Board of Education ruling.



Which was one major source of conflict during the civil rights movement of the 1940s to 1950s

The desegregation of Little Rock Central High School.



Which option is the best example of someone using a rhetorical device

A bush that blossoms whenever good times are coming

In what way does James Baldwin use a narrative structure

The essay tells a story about race relations in Harlem.



What takes place on the day that James Baldwin's father died

Baldwin’s sibling is born

What danger does the narrator discover after attacking the waitress

The danger his hatred poses to himself



In Notes of a Native Son what narrative thread links together Baldwin's story about his relationship with his father

The story of race relations in Harlem


What argument does James Baldwin make that resolves one of his central ideas

That hatred or acceptance are choices one must

What rhetorical device is James Baldwin most clearly using in this passage

figurative language

Why does the narrator describe the white world is too ignorant and too innocent

Because white people are mostly unaware of the real plight of African-Americans

What is a tension that runs throughout the entire story

The tension of segregation



Why does the narrator find it hard to totally hate white America

A. Because carrying that much hate is self- destructive I check on apex

Which action in A Raisin in the Sun most clearly shows that Beneatha is interested in her African heritage

she allows her hair to go back to its naturally curly state (apex)

What adjective best describes the narrators father according to the narrator




In "A Raisin in the Sun" which character best represents the theme of achieving success in a conventional way




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16 Reviews

When was Notes of a Native Son created

What does the narrator discover about himself after attacking the waitress in notes of a native son

What force in society was the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s most trying to overcome

What central metaphor runs throughout James Baldwin's Notes of a Native son

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What force in society was the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s most trying to overcome

What central metaphor runs throughout James Baldwin's Notes of a Native son

What is one possible theme of A Raisin in the Sun

What best describes a central idea or motif in A Raisin in the Sun

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When was Notes of a Native Son created

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What central metaphor runs throughout James Baldwin's Notes of a Native son

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When was Notes of a Native Son created

Which major figure in the civil rights movement wrote the legal attack to secure civil rights

What central metaphor runs throughout James Baldwin's Notes of a Native son

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