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Adah Johnson

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What explains the difference between a tax and a tariff

Taxes are paid on domestic economic activity while tariffs are paid on international trade.

Why must public goods be provided by the government instead of the free market

Public goods are non-excludable, so they suffer from a free-rider problem.

What is one effect of a price floor

A surplus of supply

What does the budget of the US government represent

an agreement among various politicians about public spending

Why does the government need to regulate the free market to protect competition

Producers driven by the profit motive seek to reduce their competition.

What happens to the expenses involved in compliance with government regulations

passed on to the consumer

What is a cartel

a group of producers working together to raise prices and profits

What do politicians use to win support from their constituents

Politicians might use pork barrel spending to win support from their constituents.

What is one of the requirements that a company must meet when it begins to sell shares in a stock market

The company must disclose details about its finances.

Currency traders buy on margin so they can do which of the following

Make large currency trades using small amounts of money.

Which of the following is one disadvantage for a company that goes public

The pressure to make profits is increased.

How would you match each type of tariff A revenue tariff B protective tariff with its purpose C retaliatory tariff 1 earn money for the government 2 engage in a trade war 3 help domestic producers

Revenue tariff - Earn Money for the Government

Protective Tariff - Help domestic producers

Retaliatory tariff - engage in a trade war

Monetary policy in the US is carried out primarily by what agencies

The Federal Reserve Bank

Which of the following best describes how the federal reserve bank keeps banks during a bank run

The Federal Reserve Bank manages the U.S. economy by controlling the money supply.

The commodity market is which of the following

Volatile market -APEX

Ask us of the following most accurately explains why fiat money differs from commodity money

Fiat money has value bc the gov. declares that it has value.

What is an example of a labor law in economics

A restriction on when a union may call a strike

Which of the following is an example of expansionary fiscal policy

cutting taxes

Match each organization with its correct relationship to the government

A. Social security _ government agency

B. U.S. Postal Service _ government corporation

C. Boeing _ government contractor

Order to make up for a budget deficit the government can do what (Apex)

Issue bonds

Match each type of unfair business practice with its description (apex)

1.Vendor lock in: a company say a wide range of product can be used with its products but this is not true.

  1. Price fixing: a group of companies agree that all of them will charge the same price.

3.Predatory pricing: a large company charges a price below production cost in order to eliminate small competitors.

Match each organization with the correct labels (apex)

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries competition regulator

Lockheed Martin Corporation government contractor

Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice cartel

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