

Sentence and Word Structure

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What is a dangling participle

a word or phrase apparently modifying an unintended word because of its placement in a sentence: e.g., `when young' in `when young, circuses appeal to all of us'A dangling participle is a participial phrase that precedes a main clause but doesn't clearly connect with a subject.

A participial phrase that precedes a main clause but doesn't clearly connect with a subject

When is a puppy not a puppy anymore

After it turns 2 years old in human years, it's a dog even if it still looks like a puppy and acts like one. It's like a tennager, still acts like a kid once 13.

What is a misplaced modifier
  1. A phrase or clause placed awkwardly in a sentence so that it appears to modify or refer to an unintended word.
What are three sentence patterns that are useful tools for creating variety in your writing

Simple, compound, complex

What is a participial adjective

A participial adjective is a present or past participle that is used to modify a noun.

In what way does sentence emphasis and variety contribute to good writing

A variety of sentence patterns can alleviate choppy writing that halts and stops, create a more dynamic flow, and pique the reader's interest. =]

What is a awkward modifier

An awkward modifier is a modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence. =]

A modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence

Which of the following is the best definition of the term hamartia as it relates to tragedy

A tragic flaw

What is the most significant difference between television and film studies

Television is almost entirely funded by advertising.

How are the Nielsen ratings and the profit motive related

The Nielsen ratings measure the number of viewers for individual programs that helps advertisers try to reach the largest number of people possible

Which of the following assignments from your teacher would be best completed by writing a literary analysis essay

Write about an author's use of symbolism to express his or her main theme

Stereotypes are prevalent in the media because

The media have limited time and space, and stereotypes allow them to compress meaning without developing a character....{APEX=)}

Is the sentence 'Sharon borrowed a book about gardening from her mother by using no pesticides' correct

It made sense until ' by using no pesticides ' .

How does she not use pesticides to borrow a book... ?

Ambiguous Modifier Apex.

What is the difference between a cliche and an original figurative expression

A cliche used to be an original figurative expression, but it is so overused that it is no longer creative.

An original figurative expression is a unique phrase that is like a simile or metaphor.

Is the clause an adjective in the sentence Since you left our house early we washed the car

No. The clause "since you left our house early" is an adverb clause.

Why might a company choose to focus on the beauty of morerealisticwomen in its campaigns

By marketing to women who feel underrepresented, it can tap into a new market and make more money.By focusing on more "realistic" women, it can create a more positive image of feminine beauty.

Who regulates what we see on TV

All of the above

What is the Best defines television genres

A classification that helps define television shows into different groups

which of the following arguments use logical fallacy

All of the Above

Identify the problem in the following sentence:Tracy rides bulls in rodeos he’s really good. A. Fused sentence B. Comma splice C. Sentence fragment D. Dangling modifier

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