

History of the United States

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Maynard Windler

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What were speakeasies

Illegal bars where people went to drink and see entertainment --APEX

Who were the Okies

Oklahoma Dust Bowl farmers who migrated to California to find work.

What was the goal of the Bonus Army

Payments from the government

Who benefited from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Businesses that could keep operating

What issues encouraged membership in the Communist Party

Racial discrimination and poverty were issues that encouraged Communist Party membership.

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

Some of the reasons for the founding of the NAACP were:

  • The desire to oppose racism
  • African Americans' desire for more opportunities
  • Jim Crow laws
  • Segregation laws
How was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation meant to prevent another depression

By preventing bank runs

How did high tariffs damage the US economy

By angering foreign trade partners

What event happened on October 29 1929 called Black Tuesday

The stock market collapsed that day. (APEX)

In The Negro Digs Up His Past what is Arthur Schomburg discussing

In "The Negro Digs Up His Past," Arthur Schomburg is discussing the he study of the history of African Americans.

How were farmers affected in the dust bowl

They could not repay their loans or afford to buy basic necessities.

What industry did not suffer during the Great Depression

The movie industry

What was provided by the Social Security Act

payments to older americans

The allied invasion of Northern Africa was called

The allied invasion of Northern Africa was called Operation Torch.

What was the idea of laissez faire in president hoover's 1932 campaign platform

The idea of laissez faire in President Hoover's 1932 campaign platform was that the government should stay out of economic issues.

Speakeasies and bootleggers were a product of

Speakeasies and bootleggers were a product of: Prohibition.

To fight Japanese the United States used the strategy of

island hopping

Which is true of Pullman porters in the 1920s

Pullman porters needed a union because they were not treated well.

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Who were the Okies

What was the goal of the Bonus Army

Who benefited from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

What issues encouraged membership in the Communist Party

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Who were the Okies

What was the goal of the Bonus Army

Who benefited from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

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Who were the Okies

What was the goal of the Bonus Army

Who benefited from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

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Who were the Okies

What was the goal of the Bonus Army

Who benefited from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

What was one reason for the founding of the NAACP

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1 Review