

History of the United States

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Jairo Schinner

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Why did workers form labor unions

it was to protect the rights of the workers in factories so they have the right to protest, get compensated if they get injured working, etc.

To speak with one voice.

What did the progressives support

Progressives were interested in establishing a more transparent and accountable government which would work to improve U.S. society. These reformers favored such policies as civil service reform, food safety laws, and increased political rights for women and U.S. workers.

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

According to the Jane Addams Hull House Association Web site, Jane Addams founded Hull House in 1889.


What was the Federal Reserve Act designed to prevent

Financial panics


Boom and bust economy
finacial panics

What was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s

Lower prices for grain storage was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s.

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago

Teaching of english was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago.

What did the homestead strike show

The government was willing to use force to end strikes

What was the primary cause of the homestead strike of 1892

the factory was mechanizing, which cost workers their jobs. Apex

How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire affect the International Ladies Garment Workers Union

The ILGWU (International Ladies Garment Workers Union did not exist at the time of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. The union was the LGWU (Ladies Garment Workers Union). It grew because of the fire.

Political goal for farmers

The political goal of farmers was lower prices for grain storage.

Populists wanted decreased immigration because of what

they didn't want competition for jobs.

What did Andrew carnegie do to keep his factory running during homestead strike

He hired strikebreakers

What following applies to government corruption in the progressive era

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

Both the grangers and the farmers alliance found it difficult to

stand together on nation issues - apex

What increased the number of deaths during the triangle shirtwasit fire

The employer had chained locked the doors and the women couldn't get out.

Which is true of the 1912 presidential election

Because all three major candidates were Progressive, Progressive votes were split.

Which of these was a political goal for farmers

Fair prices for shipping(Apex)

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

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What did the progressives support

In what year did Jane Adams found Hull House

What was the Federal Reserve Act designed to prevent

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Why did workers form labor unions

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Why did workers form labor unions

What did the progressives support

What was true about gas and electric service in cities prior to the Progressive Era

What was a common condition in rapidly growing cities

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