

US Constitution

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Nathaniel Lebsack

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2y ago
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Who supported the Constitution

The Federalists supported the Constitution.

Of the following which are powers that are not given to the Federal Government and not denied to the states

reserved powers

Freedom of religion is protected under which amendment

The First Amendment

The right for a citizen to bear arms is protected under which amendment

The second amendment of the US Constitution.

Which powers are not written in the Constitution but are powers that every sovereign state must have in order to function properly

Inherent powers

Which of the following is a reason why the Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution

The Constitution lacked a bill of rights.

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Who supported the Constitution

Which amendment requires a search warrant from a judge before police can conduct a search

What is the main concept of the fifth amendment

Of the following which are powers that are not given to the Federal Government and not denied to the states

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Who supported the Constitution

What does the third amendment guarantee

Who believed additional protections in the Constitution would further secure the rights and liberties of citizens

Which Amendment to the Constitution gives the states authority that the Federal Government does not have

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

Who supported the Constitution

What five liberties are protected by the first amendment

What does the third amendment guarantee

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

Who supported the Constitution

What is true regarding the Preamble to the constitution of the sasds

What is the main idea behind Article III of the Constitution

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