

World War 1

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Molly Breitenberg

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Russia's involvement in the Treaty of Versailles

Russia had dropped out of World War 1 in 1917 and the new Bolshevist government had signed a separate peace treaty with Germany, so Russia was not involved in any way with the Treaty of Versailles.

Which factor most contributed to the US' decision to enter World War 1

German submarine attacks on merchant ships

Why did Russian troops continue to fight in World War 1 after the Russian Revolution of 1917

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Great Britain and France pressured the provisional government to remain in the war. uestion…

What summary accurately describes the stalemate that developed during World War 1

Though little territory was ever gained, military leaders continued sending huge numbers of troops to attack enemy trenches.

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Russia's involvement in the Treaty of Versailles

Which factor most contributed to the US' decision to enter World War 1

Why did Russian troops continue to fight in World War 1 after the Russian Revolution of 1917

What summary accurately describes the stalemate that developed during World War 1

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World War 1

4 cards

Russia's involvement in the Treaty of Versailles

Which factor most contributed to the US' decision to enter World War 1

Why did Russian troops continue to fight in World War 1 after the Russian Revolution of 1917

What summary accurately describes the stalemate that developed during World War 1

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Russia's involvement in the Treaty of Versailles

What is Marquis de Condorcet's birthday

Which factor most contributed to the US' decision to enter World War 1

Which statement describes a major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1905

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What was it like at the home front in Russia during world war 1

Treaty that set out how Germany should be punished for World War one

Which statement best summarizes Russia's experience on World War 1's Eastern Front

Which factor most contributed to Russia's provisional government continuing the country's involvement in World War 1 after the Russian Revolution of 1917

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The ancient formed city states that were independent but shared common

Which action resulted from the Congress of Vienna

Which factor played a major role in Austria-Hungary's decision to declare war on Serbia

Which factor most contributed to the US' decision to enter World War 1

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