

History of the United States

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Christophe Greenfeld...

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Who wrote The History of the Standard Oil Company

Ida Tarbell wrote The History of The Standard Oil Company

What is the significance of the Pacific in US expansion

The Spanish-American war, in 1898, was a significant event in the US expansion in the Pacific. The war resulted in the Philippines, becoming a US possession.

What is ethnic restaurant

ethnic restaurant is a food was for only a selected ethnic

When was Ida Tarbell born

Ida Tarbell was born on November 5, 1857

What is Sojourner Truth known for

an African-American

abolitionist and women's rights activist

What is act of interstate commerce

An act which helps to have commerce between countries.

What best describes the great migration

African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities.

How were dollar diplomacy and big stick diplomacy different


What did John Muir fight for

Environmental protection


I got it right

Why did chinese workers first come to america

To build railroads

When did the congress pass the nineteenth amendment

The Congress passed the Nineteenth Admendment on June 4, 1919. It ratified on August 18, 1920

What was part of president wilsons new freedom plan

All of the above.

President Theodore Roosevelt stated in 1902 that his actions were against what

President Theodore Roosevelt was against the misuse of power by the big corporations doing business as a trust or monopoly.

Could you use a sentence with seventeenth amendment

Here are some sentences.

The seventeenth amendment altered the constitution.

That's against the seventeenth amendment.

What was one action that progressives took to help the working poor

Promoted laws against child labor (apex)

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Why did workers form labor unions

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What did John Muir fight for

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What did John Muir fight for

Which practice did Progressives favor

Which was true of race relations in the north

What was the one drop rule

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