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Mossie Lueilwitz

Lvl 10
2y ago
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More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

TRUEFriction is the reason more force is needed to push an object across a rough surface.

What are atoms with nuclei that contain the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons called


How does the modern periodic table arrange the elements

The modern periodic table arranges elements based on properties. These properties include valence electrons of the elements and density for example.

What can be declared in an abstract class

Abstract classes are to be extended until to a concrete class.

Can have both abstract & non abstract methods.

An Abstract class can not be instantiated.

A non abstract class can be extended to an abstract class.

If At least one abstract method present in a class then that class must be abstract.

abstract & final modifiers can never be together.

abstract classes can have both abstract methods & non abstract methods.

Why is mathematics used in presenting data

Mathematical Figures Are Universal &&;nd Can Be Understood By Other Scientists

Why is mathematics used in collecting data

Thay collect data with a graph

Which is an example of a method that may be used to gather data

experimentation or observation


How should measurements be made when gathering data

measurements should be made precisely to ensure accuracy (:

What force can be felt be felt when you put hand out the window of a moving car

Resistance from air.

How many electrons can the first energy level in the electron cloud hold

The first shell can hold up to two electrons, second up to eight electrons, third up to 18 electrons and the subsequent shells can have up to 32 electrons in each.

How do Mathematics is often used to analyze risks and benefits through probability


Which of these would be included in the conclusion section of a research poster or report

he was an old man in the 70's he had no life

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How many elements have been identified

More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

What are atoms with nuclei that contain the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons called

Atoms have no overall electric charge

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1 Review


15 cards

How many elements have been identified

More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

What are atoms with nuclei that contain the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons called

Atoms have no overall electric charge

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1 Review


15 cards

How many elements have been identified

More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

Atoms have no overall electric charge

How does the modern periodic table arrange the elements

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More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

How does the modern periodic table arrange the elements

How has technology made the evaluation of census data more accurate

Why is mathematics used in calculating data

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13 cards

More force must be applied when pushing something across a rough surface

How does the modern periodic table arrange the elements

How has technology made the evaluation of census data more accurate

Why is mathematics used in calculating data

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