

Classical Music

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Joshua Orn

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Cards in this guide (16)
What is Hildegard von Bingen remembered for

her mystical compositions

being a composer, nun, and healer
Why was the basso continuo important in the Baroque era

The basso continuo was important to the Baroque era because it accompanied the melody line while filling in the harmony.

Why are churches usually good places to perform antiphonal music

The shape of most churches provides the necessary space for two or more choirs.

Which was an important Renaissance wind instrument


Because Beethoven wrote highly dramatic and emotional music he is considered

Beethoven is considered a composer of the "Romantic" era.

Correctly speaking, Beethoven provided the transition from Classical to Romantic. His earlier music was less complex, and melodic in the traditional Classical style, whilst later compositions were more emotional and intense.

He might also be considered a "bridge" composer to the Romantic era.

The end of the baroque era occurred during the


This instrument was not popular during the medieval period


Which term describes the simplest method of performing chant

Monophonic is the simplest method of performing chant.

The Italian term that means to gradually increase volume is


Minimalist composers use repeating and harmonies that change gradually

Minimalist composers use repeating rhythms and harmonies that change gradually.

The head musician in an eighteenth century court was called a Kapellmeister


The musical form that is usually an extended multi movement work is

a symphony.

In addition to being a great composer bach was also a master


What was unusual about guillaume de machauts most famous composition

The Messe de Nostre Dame was the first complete musical setting of the Ordinary sections of the Roman Catholic Mass.

Opera history began

With the meetings of Florentine Camerata

Which instrument did Andrea Amati invent


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