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Lenore Murphy

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Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator


Who found the first plane what is their name

1899, Wilbur and Orville Wright

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation


What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis


The columns in the periodic table are called

The columns in the periodic table are called groups, or families. The rows in a periodic table are called periods.

What is the atomic mass of the element gold

gold is a meta element. Atomic mass of it is 197.

What is the largest clear structure in the plant cell that is used for water storage


If you do not have enough fat in your diet your what level will be affected

its enzyme level!

A piece of ivy placed in water to root is an example of


Where on the periodic table would you find metals and nonmetals

Metals are on the left side of the periodic table; nonmetals are in the right side of the periodic table.

Which phase represents the longest period of time in a star's life cycle

the main sequence represents the longest period in a stars life cycle

What was the first successful lunar lander launched by the United states

surveyor 1

What is the natural tendency of molecules to spread from an area high concentration to an area of low concentration


What is the process of the ocean's water slowly rising to reach high tide is called

Flood tide is when the ocean's water slowly rises to reach high tide.

When a star is fully formed which type of star does it become

A Main Sequence star.

How do you describe the constellation ursa

Ursa Minor (Latin: "Smaller Bear", contrasting with Ursa Major), also known as the Little Bear, is a constellation in the northern sky

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15 cards

Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator

Who found the first plane what is their name

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation

What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis

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2 Reviews


16 cards

Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator

Who found the first plane what is their name

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation

What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis

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1 Review


15 cards

Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator

Who found the first plane what is their name

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation

What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis

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16 cards

Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator

Who found the first plane what is their name

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation

What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis

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16 cards

Someone who flies a lighter than air craft especially the pilot or the navigator

Who found the first plane what is their name

This organelle found in animal cells functions in cell division and aids in spindle formation

What are the tiny dense dots on the edge of the endoplasmic reticulum that are involved in protein synthesis

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