

US Constitution

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Alek Batz

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What term best describes an autocracy that is not all-powerful

the government is ruled by one person.

limited government-A+

Who can veto certain laws written by congress if they are deemed unsatisfactory


What is the basis for the rights described in the Sixth Amendment

common law

Who is responsible for electing the Prime Minister of England

There has never been a Prime Minister of England.

England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the person who is invited to form a government by The Queen, normally the leader of the party with the most seats in Parliament following a General Election.

Because there are more than two main parties in the British Parliament this is not always easy - for example following the General Election in 2010 neither The Conservative Party nor the Labour Party had an overall majority of seats and the decision to appoint David Cameron as Prime Minister came after he had reached an agreement to form a coalition government with The Liberal Democrat Party.

How long is the term for an elected member of the House of Representatives

Representatives and Delegates serve for two-year terms, while the Resident Commissioner serves for four years. The Constitution permits the House to expel a member with a two-thirds vote.

How many different types of committees are established within the Senate


How many years is the term for an elected senator

One term for a U.S. Senator is 6 years.

What allows the public to make changes in policies related to the structure of government social policies and suffrage

the amendment process

What laws were written by southerners and favored white people over black people

Jim Crow laws

What is one of the main functions of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

It investigates waste, fraud, and abuse within every area of the Federal Government.

How can the Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on Foreign Affairs be classified

(standing committees)

Which committees manages issues relating to health and aging public education labor and government payments to retired workers

committees on health, education, labor and pensions

What is the purpose of the Twenty-fifth Amendment

The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution deals with succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities.

Why couldn't residents of Washington DC before 1961 vote in presidential elections

The district did not have any votes in the electoral college.

The English Civil War in 1642 was between which of the following

King Charles I and Parliament

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What does the word winged most likely mean

Who is responsible for electing the Prime Minister of England

What is the purpose of the House Committee on Financial Services

Which House committee oversees defense policies including military operations and the organization and reform of the Department of Defense

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Who can veto certain laws written by congress if they are deemed unsatisfactory

What does it mean to say Congress is a bicameral legislature

Who is responsible for electing the Prime Minister of England

How long is the term for an elected member of the House of Representatives

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Who can veto certain laws written by congress if they are deemed unsatisfactory

What does it mean to say Congress is a bicameral legislature

Who is responsible for electing the Prime Minister of England

How long is the term for an elected member of the House of Representatives

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What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

What term best describes an autocracy that is not all-powerful

What is the basis for the rights described in the Sixth Amendment

Who is responsible for electing the Prime Minister of England

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