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I would've thought that your body would've rid itself of all the HCG in your system by now. There are three possibilities I can think of. Firstly is that your miscarriage was not complete. If some pregnancy tissue stays in your body, your body may think you are still pregnant and continue producing HCG. If this is the case you need to have a D&C to get rid of it. Secondly, it is possible that you have fallen pregnant straight away. Have you had unprotected sex within the last couple of weeks? The third possibility is that you were pregnant with twins and miscarriaged only one baby. If you are pregnant with fraternal twins, it is possible for one baby to die and for you to bleed this pregnancy away, but keep the other twin. Whatever the result, you need to consult a doctor and have an ultrasound and find out what is going on. The test will either show an ten-week baby, a four week baby or an incomplete pregnancy. Good luck!

Hi my name is Brittany and I miscarried on July 9,2008. The doctor did an Ultra sound to ensure everything cleared out on it's own and it did. I also had my bloodwork tracked back down to zero. My doctor told us not to hold off on trying if we were ready because I was only 7 weeks pregnant when I miscarried and everything was fine with my body. I took a pregnancy test after my levels were going down to be sure I got a negative to ensure there would not be false positives. I did get a negative which was a relief as I knew once I received a positive I could trust I was pregnant. Well yesterday was 4 weeks to the day that I miscarried and I am pregnant again!!!! I have heard you can get pregnant the day after a miscarriage because you are extremely fertile. Hope this helps someone! Have a blessed Day!

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17y ago

The HCG (the hormone that is produced when you are pregnant) stays in your system for a while after a miscarriage but is going down. A test may remain positive for a couple of weeks. If you are concerned please see your doctor.

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15y ago

You can still be tested positive after a miscarriage and a period. A pregnancy test is based on the levels of hormone you have in your body. It might not have gone back to normal. And your bleeding can be caused from the miscarriage itself and doesn't necessarily mean that is a period. Check again in a week or two and then ask your doctor if it still shows up positive just to make sure that you really aren't pregnant.

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15y ago

Yes, the harmones remain in your body for as long as 2 months depending on how far along you were in your pregnancy. The HPT will show positive if your HCG levels are 25 or above. So it is normal :-) If u r concerned though, u should check with your doc and he will send you for some blood tests to check your HCG levels to rule out ectopic or molar pregnancy. But i think you're fine.

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You can be.

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Q: Should a pregnancy test be positive 4 weeks after miscarriage having started a period?
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How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test after a miscarriage?

Yes you can. Pregnancy tests can come out positive weeks after a miscarriage. but you should still get checked by a doctor because you may have just been bleeding. you can't tell for sure if you had a miscarriage unless you see a doctor.

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If you had a positive pregnancy test then had a heavy period a couple days later, you may have had a miscarriage. If this happens, you should consult a doctor.

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Most likely the hormones haven't settled. You should wait 3 weeks until you have sex after a miscarriage though so if you had you could be pregnant again.

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You should still go see a doctor and have a lab test and/or exam done to confirm or rule out pregnancy. It may have been a "chemical" pregnancy (miscarriage before you knew your were pregnant) or you could still be pregnant. Only a doctor can confirm a diagnosis either way.

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Yes, home pregnancy tests can produce both false positives and false negatives. If a home pregnancy test is positive, you should see a gynecologist to have the pregnancy confirmed as soon as you can.

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If an accidental pregnancy occurs, the Nuva Ring should not cause a miscarriage.

Is the girl fertile few days after her miscarriage?

Potentially a woman may be fertile after miscarriage. This is fairly unlikely as it takes time after miscarriage or pregnancy for a womans cycles to return to normal, however you should always assume that pregnancy is a possibility whenever you have sex.

How do you know if you have had a miscarriage on the 10th day after conception?

you may have what you think is a bad period and it could be a early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. You should go to a doctor to make sure, they can see if you have the pregnancy hormone in your blood or if you have any evidence of a miscarriage through an exam.

Still positive pregnancy test 10 days after miscarriage?

Yes, it can take days-weeks for the HCG numbers to return to zero. You should consult your doctor if your period has not returned after two cycles.

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It may not be. That was my only symptom and I was having a miscarriage. It can be a very small amount and still be a sign of miscarriage. You should tell your doctor so they can check on the status of the pregnancy.

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A "planned miscarriage" is an abortion. If you do not want to continue with the pregnancy you should see your doctor and discuss your options. There is no safe way to induce a miscarriage.