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Yes yes u should be. Good luck

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Q: If I haven't ovulated yet this month and the ovulation kit comes up negative and the ovulation calendars say I should have already ovulated and I am having back pain and nausea Could I be pregnant?
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If you ovulated on 100408 could you have conceived on 100908?

No, you cannot get pregnant five days after ovulation. In order to get pregnant, you must have intercourse before or the day of ovulation. But keep in mind, it is hard to pinpoint the exact day of ovulation.

What are ovulation calendars used for?

Ovulation calendars are used to determine when a woman ovulates and will be the most fertile. A woman would typically keep track of her menstruation cycles to determine the best time to get pregnant.

You missed your period for a week now could you be pregnant?

That depends if you know how to read your ovulation. The period can only come after ovulation. If you have no idea whether you ovulated or not, then there is no guarantee of anything. If you ovulated and you´ve had sex around the time of ovulation, you´re likely pregnant. If you haven´t ovulated, there is no way you are pregnant, no matter if you had sex, or not. And, of course, if you are late, and you haven´t had sex, then you likely haven´t ovulated for some reason. Maybe you´ve been under stress, or you´ve been sick... many reasons can occur that make the body pause out on the menstrual cycle.

Do a discharged egg with blood means that I am pregnant?

What exactly do you mean? If you mean that you know you ovulated and AT THE TIME of ovulation, you had some blood, it's normal, and not a sign of pregnancy. If you meant a week or later after you know you ovulated, you may be pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant after 3 periods?

You can get pregnant after your first ovulation before you even bleed yet so by now you have ovulated 3 times so yes, you could get pregnant.

Is it possible to be pregnant if a week after ovulation and unprotected sex you get a heavy period that is early?

Yes, my mother had her periods while pregnant with me. Your ovulated egg can stay in your body several days before dissolving if not fertilized with sperm.

Had a blood test for pregnancy yesterday and it was negative feel pregnant want to know if hcg would show up this early last cycle was May 6th believe ovulated last week thought implatation Wednesday?

A blood test should be positive, if you are pregnant and if it's been at least 14 days since ovulation or at least 4 days since implantation (usually 6-12 days after ovulation).

Can you get pregnant if you are not ovulation?

You can't. If there's no ovulation there's no egg released for the semen to get to. NOTE: not having a positive ovulation test doesn't neccissarily mean you don't ovulate. If your hormone levels are low, your test might not be reliable.

No stretchy mucus on ovulation does it mean I never ovulated?

I'm no doctor so this is no definitive answer, however, I don't get that either, at least not to my knowledge, and I've been pregnant twice. Therefore, I must ovulate.

You have endometriosis and am trying to get pregnant the first month of ttc your cycle lasted 30 days and you ovulate late on day 21 This month you have not ovulated after your period could you be pre?

no no ovulation is very impartent

I ovulation on may 17 i sex on may 16 and 17 and 23 can i be pregnant?

Yes, if you ovulated on May 17th and had sex on the 16th, 17th, and 23rd, you can be pregnant. Condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, they can help keep you safe from sexually transmitted diseases.

How late into pregnancy could your pregnancy tests results still come back negative?

You should wait to test at least 14 to 16 days after ovulation. However some women don't get accurate readings because they don't know when they ovulated, they ovulated late, or implantation was late. Most women are able to get an accurate home pregnancy test in 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. If you get negative home test and still feel that you may be pregnant you should see a Dr for a blood test as it can detect pregnancy much sooner.