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Symptoms of Alcoholism include a pattern of drinking, drinking and driving, blacking out, and becoming angry and violent. People affected by alcoholism may continue to drink in spite of others telling them that they may have a problem, heavy involvement in alcohol related activities and smelling of alcohol on a regular basis.

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Q: Is having a constant urge to drink a symptom of alcoholism?
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Related questions

What are the objectives of alcoholism?

Alcoholism is inanimate and has no objectives. However, people who drink typically have objectives such as having a good time, meeting people, relaxing, etc. Alcoholics typically drink to prevent unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

What can lead to alcoholism?

If you drink to much

How alcoholism can be minimised?

No. Alcoholism is a life-long battle that can be fought with 12 step programs. There is no way to drink and control alcoholism.

What are warning sign of alcoholism?

People who drink to excess, becoming drunk and passing out or vomiting, or who go on drinking binges of constant alcohol consumption for days on end, people who don't merely want to have a drink, but who need a drink, people whose drinking is interfering with their normal daily activities (as students, employees, or whatever they may be doing) are showing signs of alcoholism.

Are alcoholism a sin?

Alcoholism is not a sin, although alcoholics voluntarily choose to drink, to moderate their consumption, or to abstain.

Does alcoholism run in blood line?

Yes but, even if you have the genetic predisposition to alcoholism, if you do not drink you will not become an alcoholic.

What word means addiction to alcoholic drink?

Alcoholic, alcoholism?

Is alcoholism a result of bad behavior?

Only if you drink it unwisely.

Suffix using ism for addiction to alcoholic drink?


Can do you have alcoholism under 21?

YES you can, well if you drink like a lot..if u never drink then uhmm no. ~samantha~

Are you an alcoholic if you drink 8 drinks per day?

The quantity consumed does not define alcoholism.

What are the symptoms of alcoholism?

Shaking in the morning, having to have alcohol to stop it