It seems this is written with an intention to undermine someone with a condition that is hardly. Their fault, as if a lack of empathy would be something someone could even consciously choose? Choosing this would only denote a lack of empathy to begin with. If the intention is to trick someone into feeling something then perhaps re-think the aim here ask yourself weather or not it is morally ethical and what it reflects about you and your intentions, are they just a bit hypocritical? Have a bit of respect for your fellow human being as they are; not as what you would prefer them to be. It's not a trick, but you might just ask whether the sociopath is "messing with your head." Ask, don't accuse. The arrogance of some sociopaths allows them to accept the challenge that they can continue to play mind-games with you even if you are well AWARE of their proclivity to take advantage of others. Reveling in their victories, handing you a weapon with which to defend yourself can be tempting for these people. A suggestion for those who need to "expose" a sociopath may be to offer some humility to remove some of the sweetness of the victory. "Look, half of what you say I don't understand. If this is a mistake, I could use some help avoiding it. What should I do?" Admitting you're an easy target removes the challenge. They've won already. What's the point? The other side of it is you've asked for their help. Sociopaths may lie by omission, use info you don't have, or deceive in innumerable ways, but if you ASK them, straight out, to guide you? Again: too easy. You are no longer a "challenge" or opponent. You become someone seeking his or her protection. This feeds their ego in a way different from hurting you. No longer perceiving you as a threat or even a target worthy of their intellect, you are in a position to be defended. This can mean they are ready to hurt others who threaten you. This approximates affection and caring for them. You may not like what they do on your behalf and they are all too ready to turn on you if you become an obstacle to other plans they have. Just so you know, if you tame the beast, you're not "out of the woods." It's in their nature to take down threats and they're on guard for what they perceive as "changing circumstances". Imagined betrayal to the point of paranoia is a possibility.
You don't. Do not underestimate their intelligence, they are very smart, cunning people. They would be no need to fool one except to boost your own pride and ego. Remember that they can be dangerous and aren't the sort of people who you need to start messing with. That would be a foolish thing to do.
Always consider consequences before you act.
That being said, you can fool a sociopath, they often appear to be a lot more intellectual than they actually are, don't get me wrong, they're certainly not stupid. If you just act the way that he or she would expect you to, they'll be none the wiser, as they mimic human interactions, but often don't truly understand them.
This is certainly no way to try to maintain a relationship with a sociopath, though, as they'll never love you and more than less likely don't care about you, they're there because you're useful, and if you weren't you'd be gone.
If you want to stay around the sociopath, for whatever reason, you're most likely already going to get what you want, and then some, because you're already his or her willing victim.
I would think the most noticeable characteristic to expose a sociopath would be lying combined with a lack of remorse regarding their lies. Understand the difference between various types of deception used by normal people every day and pathological liars. Over a period of time the sociopath is bound to get caught up in his/her lies. The willing victim may choose to downplay the significance of honesty at first but the focus here should be on how the nature of pathological lying impact true intimacy and eliminate the existence of a genuine relationship. The victim should ask themselves if he/she would be able to lie about "X", "Y" and "Z" without feeling remorse or guilt? What would it take for someone to be able to lie about "X", "Y" and "Z"? Does this person really have a conscience?
Once the victim begins to evaluate the actions of a sociopath through a truthful perspective they will then see the sociopath for what they really are. In the absence of genuine truth, love and respect the relationship is reduced to a cruel one sided game - a power struggle where position is falsely gained by the sociopath through the use of deception combined by the normal person's ability to genuinely love and desire to be loved. The key is getting the victim to realize this and then more importantly how to safely remove themselves from the relationship once they do.
Multipersonslity because they can expose sociopahs tothe rest of society
No, one should never marry a sociopath. Marriage involves trust, and a sociopath by his very nature cannot ever be trusted completely.
Yes, you should forgive a sociopath mother, since she was the one who gave you life.
Not give a fack about you is what I should do.
HE'S A SOCIOPATH!! That should be enough information to get over him.
I'm stating the obvious, but you have to provide evidence to support specific allegations. If you try to prove that someone is a "sociopath," you're on a path to nothing. However, if you can prove specific deeds, you may achieve what you want. I'd suggest letting others apply whatever label they think is appropriate rather than doing the labeling yourself.You must decide whether your own conscience, which is what's keeping you from using such tactics, is worth more to you than your safety and freedom, as the one opposing you has no conscience, if he truly is a sociopath. Your honesty is lost on him.
The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.
You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.
To a sociopath, everyone is fair game, if she is being singled out then she should be keeping her eyes open.
"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.
Of Course