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Q: When a woman is pregnant does she have more discharge then normal?
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Can you get discharge 3 weeks pregnant?

Yes. It's very normal. The hormones in pregnancy generally tend make you have more discharge

Can you discharge more when you are pregnant?

Yes, unfortunately.

Is it okay to have a dicharge in first trimester?

As in clear or creamy discharge? This is very normal - you often get more of it when you're pregnant due to the hormones making your body produce more of it

Can you get white creamy vaginal discharge 2 weeks before your period or is that more so a pregnancy sign?

A vaginal discharge before a period is normal as is in pregnancy. See a doctor if you suspect you may be pregnant.

If you are pregnant will you have discharge?

yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.

I have more discharge than the average woman but lately it's slowed down a whole lot and been replaced with a goopy cottage cheese discharge yeast infection or pregnant the condom broke recently?


Why would you get a milky discharge while pregnant?

No it's normal for women to have vaginal discharge, it's the vagina's way of cleaning itself and keeping foreign invaders that could cause infection out. If the discharge is thick and smells bad it could be a yeast infection, which is easy to treat with over-the-counter medication available at any pharmacy

Do you still produce discharge when you are pregnant?

Yes, discharge during pregnancy can be completely normal. The vagina is a self cleaning organ, and routinely sheds small amounts of fluid out of the vagina whether pregnant or not. However, if the discharge has changed color, consistency or smell from your normal pattern, please see your doctor. It can be an indicator of an infection or other problem and may need treatment.

What color should your discharge be if you're pregnant and should you be discharging?

none some pregnant girls have infections during pregnancy. Usually if you have discharge while pregnant you just gets loads more of it that is all.

Do you have a mucas like discharge when pregnant?

in the last month or so you'll have more discharge like mucus. you can earlier on though.

Can clear odorless liquid discharge mean you are pregnant?

No more likely you have a infection.

What does a pregnant woman need more than a woman who's not pregnant?

Love and support from husband and family.