No, that was never the purpose with Planned Parenthood. They are working to save women and children in African countries by providing Birth Control, prenatal care and safe labor and that is not trying to get rid of black people. When Sanger started it abortions were not done because she was against abortions. That is why she was so much for birth control and helped creating the birth control pill. When speaking about Sanger one have to understand what society was like back then. Most black people were extremely poor and many children never got the chance to got to school. Women had more children than they could afford and that was something she wanted to help with. She knew that when a woman is control of her fertility she is in control of her life and family. Less children meant children could go to school instead of having to skip school and get jobs because the parents salary was enough to live on. When she saw the poverty many lived in and many babies died in, she offered safe sterilizations for women. The women who were the poorest and needed this the most were the black women and since that is where the biggest demand was, that was also where she set up her clinics. For the women this was a way out of poverty and to take control over their lives. And they did not have any more unsafe and illegal abortions.
next time they call block
A good receptionist is polite, professionional , has all pertinent information at hand. Hospitable to clients and able to repel unwated sales reps with one look.
SPAY YOUR CAT!! They shouldn't be having kittens! There are enough unwated kittens in shelters every year that have to put to sleep. PLEASE SPAY YOUR CAT OR MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ENOUGH HOMES FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM!
Well you can't take someone else's CP acount. U make ur own and if u wanna buy stuff or have a new igloo then you have to become a member and pay 5.99 a month. I am a member and it is really fun!
Sewage: it is the wastage and unwated part of mterial and consist of veg, ,industrial used water, papers etc. Sewarage: it is the system through which sewage is carried from city or particualr area to other region like in sea or river .it includes pipe fitting all over area sewage: The mixture of water and waste products popularly called as sewage. sewarage:It is the art of collecting,treating,finally disposing the sewage.
can you be more, detailed? Solution: 1: Delete all unwated software's and security software's 2: Delete all temporary files. 3: Reset internet explorer and register all .dll files. 4: Disable all unwanted services form startup and also remove from registry. 5: Scan with spyware and trojon removal tool. 6: Restart the computer and check it.
Hi. Im 16.. 5"10... 180 lbs... heres the thing... im interested in burning fat and then increasing my muscle mass.. a friend talked me into buying a product called superpump250.. works great.. great boost.. but is it really the best thing i need to burn fat along with a steady diet and excercise? should i put it aside for a product liek apidexin or animal cuts? should i recontinue takign it when im done burning my unwated fat? thanks
Hello Wiki ppl! Well I have this user and it cool premium member account! Okay here it is.. Username: hala_alah Password: hamdy123 There idc if you ban it cause its a premuim member account so yea... Your welcome & Bye!! Okay im just jokin but if u want a real one than u have to giv me urs ( trade ) AND ILL GIVE YOU A COOL PREMUIM MEMBER ACCOUNT JUST COMMENT AND TELL ME UR USER AND PASS AND ILL TARDE U MY PREMUIM MEMBER ACOUNT FOR UR ONE!! Okay and please commentt!!
With Vista you need to run as administrator or it thinks its a virii Solution: 1: Create restore point and take registry backup. 2: Delete all unwated software's, and toolbar, security software's. from program and feature. 3: Delete all temp files. 4: Disable all unwanted services from startup and then delete from registry. 5: reset internet explorer and register all .dll files. 6: scan with spyware removal and trojon removal tool. 7: Restart the computer and check windows update. if found and then update.
First of all, Congratulations. I hope you have a healthy baby. The most important thing so far is that you stay calm. Remember that you have another heart beat to look after now as well as your own. Your baby wont be healthy if your not, and that means mentally as well. You should get some rest, drink plenty of fluids and cut out any unwated things like smoking, alcohol etc. You shouldn't lose the baby so long as you take care of yourself and stay calm and relaxed. If you want to keep the baby, which im assuming you do, make sure that the father is around to help look after you, or your family are ready at hand. The more healthy your mind and body is, the more chance that your baby will be born on time, and healthy. If you need any more advice feel free to talk to me. Good Luck, Adam
This is a question I have to answer alot, and a good one too. All you have to do is put your middle finger of the hand the same side of your eye (if you were lining your left eye, you'd use the middle of your left hand, and vice versa), and gently pull, so the eye is closed, but you can just see a little. There are many different methods for different types of liner, but here are my personal heroes:LIQUID EYELINER: Whilst your eye is in the position described above, paint a line as if you are painting the base of the eyelash, and it should come out in a thin line on the lashline of your eyelid.PENCIL EYELINER: It is harder to get a thin line with penils, no matter how sharp they are, but it is possible with this method: Colour half of your eyelid, witih the eyeliner, and use a folded up make-up wipe(baby wipes are just as good) to perfect the line by wiping away unwated liner, so you are left with a thin
yes there is a special hard drive that monitours everything that you do in your computer and can be actually looked at and everything you've ever saved or looked at on your computer can be seen. Ive watched my cousin do this on my computer, the only way to delete everything is to completely wipe out your hard drive.