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generally not. Birth Control takes about a month to work. certain kinds are made to stop your period but others contain a week of blank pills (pills without a hormone) to allow your period to happen once a month, even while your birth control is in effect. for some people, like me, it stops your period anyway though. sometimes you have to switch different brands to see which one is right for you.

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16y ago
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10y ago

Yes, switching birth control pills can stop your period. If you've made any mistake with your birth control pills, or if you started the new pack or type late, take a pregnancy test. Otherwise, if the missing periods are distressing, call your health care provider for advice.

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12y ago

Yes, it's possible to avoid having a period while taking hormonal birth control methods, and then it resumes when you stop. Talk with your health care provider about options.

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11y ago

i don't think it will stop it fully but will so down your cycle and show no sign of you seeing ur period but will eventually come may two days after taking the pill

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Q: Will taking birth control instantly stop your period if you are already on it?
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What happens if you've already conceived when you start taking birth control pills?

You should not be pregnant when you start taking the pills as you start taking them within a week of the start of your period and if you have a period you are 99.5% sure you are not pregnant. However if you are pregnant the pills will have no effect.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

What happens if you delay your period for a week while on birth control and then do not get your period straight away when you start taking the sugar pills?

Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

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How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

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I stopped taking my birth control in December and in January I came on my period but in february I didnt come is this normal

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It's okay to start your birth control whenever you already have your period. It will get rid of your really bad cramps, acne, and regulate your period. You're pretty much a man. I <3 yankees.

Should you stop taking the birth control pill if you get your period?

You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

Is it possible for your period to be late while taking birth control?

Yes, it is possible for your period to be late or stop completely from any hormonal birth control.

Can you stop your menstrual cycle by taking a pill?

If you're already on your period then the pill may reduce the flow of your period but will not stop it. However if you're not on your period you can stop your period by taking the pill but it isn't advisable as a permanent thing.

When will i start to notice improvement in acne from taking birth control?

it takes approximately 3 months for your body to get used to it ... its not working instantly but its worth it