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Yes you will have great chances of becoming pregnant now. It usually takes 3-7 days after stopping Birth Control to be able to become pregnant.

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Q: I have been off the depo provera shot for 13 months and my periods are regular can you get pregnant now?
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Is your body back to normal if you have regular periods after being on the injection?

Yes, if you have not received an injection in 6 months or more and you did not have regular periods while taking the injection. The depo-provera shot suppresses ovulation. Once you begin having regular periods again, then your body should have returned to normal. However, many women still have periods, even when on this type of birth control, so after being off of the injection for several months and once you begin regular periods again, you need to check for ovulation using an ovulation predictor kit, just to make sure. However, realize that it may take as long as 18 months after the last depo-provera shot for periods to return to normal.

Can a person conceive a baby after not having a menstrual cycle for 20 months due to Depo-Provera birth control injections?

Once the injections are stopped, periods should return and then you can get pregnant.

Had missed your depo shot didnt come on for eight months now im on could you be pregnant?

If your periods have started after stopping Depo Provera, you're certainly at risk for pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy are missing periods and a positive pregnancy test.

When does your period become regular after stopping Depo-Provera?

Some women have a regular period immediately after stopping depo, and for others it may take 18 months. The average is 11 months.

Can the birth control pill help you get pregnant after stopping Depo-Provera?

The birth control pill does not help you get pregnant; it prevents pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant after Depo Provera, just have sex. Fertility returns from 1 to 18 months after stopping; ther average is 11 months.

Could you be pregnant 5 months after coming off the depo help?

I am in the same situation. I had my last injection six months ago, but I have been having regular periods for three months. My doctor told me you have to have a period before you can get pregnant. She also told my to take multivitamins and folic acid. Hope this helps!

You are 23 yrs old you have fairly regular cycle but its been 3 months this time since you have last had your periods what can be the cause?

Are you sure you're not pregnant?

Which birth control do makes you have less periods?

Depo Provera, a birth control injection given every 3 months generally causes periods to stop. However, if you plan on getting pregnant anytime soon (like in next couple years) i would probably look into other options.

Can you still get pregnant even after you had your full period?

yes my sister had baby and she was having regular periods for three months in fourth month she start having movement she went to the Doctor and found her self pregnant

What causes no period for months?

if you are pregnant it can cause you to miss some periods

When will your body go back to normal when stopping the depo?

Depo Provera hormones will leave your body within weeks of stopping Depo Provera. Your regular period may return immediately or up to 18 months later; the average is 11 months.

If a girl's on the depo shot for 2 years and hasn't had her period in a year does this mean she is unfertile and she won't get pregnant?

It can take up to 18 months (average 11 months) to get your period after stopping Depo Provera. Women get pregnant at the same rate after stopping Depo Provera as women who have never used it. There's just a delay.