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Austria united with Germany on March 12, 1938, so technically Austria was a part of Germany. It was more than just a technicality. Hitler was greeted in Linz and Vienna with delirious applause! Austrians were over-represented in the Gestapo and the terror apparatus more generally. Obviously, I'm aware that there were also some Austrians who heartily detested the Nazis. The events of March 12, 1938, marked the culmination of historical cross-national pressures to unify the German populations of Austria and Germany under one nation. However, the 1938 Anschluss, regardless of its popularity, was enacted by Germany. Earlier, Hitlerian Germany had provided support for the Austrian National Socialist Party (Austrian Nazi Party) in its bid to seize power from Austria's Austrofascist leadership. Fully devoted to remaining independent but amidst growing pressures, the chancellor of Austria, Kurt Schuschnigg, tried to hold a plebiscite. Although he expected Austria to vote in favour of maintaining autonomy, a well-planned internal overthrow by the Austrian Nazi Party of Austria's state institutions in Vienna took place on March 11, prior to the vote. With power quickly transferred over to Germany, the Wehrmacht troops entered Austria to enforce the Anschluss. The Nazis held a plebiscite within the following month, where they received 99.73% of the vote. No fighting ever took place and the strongest voices against the annexation, particularly Fascist Italy, France and the United Kingdom (the "Stresa Front"), were powerless or, in case of Italy, appeased. The Allies were, on paper, committed to upholding the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which specifically prohibited the union of Austria and Germany.
Austria was allied too Germany .. Hitler was an Austrian

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Austria did nothing durning World War 2. They killed Hitler and made him set all the Naiz club members lit them selfs on fire. They ran around screeming like little girls. They cut off their hair and stapled it to a died body. Hitler married Pararie Wentworth-nice and Pararie killed Hitler when Hitler was taking a shower.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

During World War II, Austria did not play any distinctive, independent role at all. In 1938, it disappeared as a sovereign nation after being annexed by Germany. It only emerged again as an independent nation through the post-war reconfigurations of Europe by the war's victors.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well... the first point is a bit... but ok, Adolf Hitler (former Schicklgruber) was born in Braunau, Austria. He served in ww1 on the German side and was even wounded... and just in case you woundn't be aware of... he was the leader of Germany, notabene the country that opened world war 2 (with his guidance).

Second, Austria was integrated into the "great German empire" even before the war started when Nazi-Germany attacked Poland. Austrian soldiers mainly just fought under German insigniae (i.e. famous Austrian pilot Nowotny).

Ok, the former informations are all correct... but it's a bit more complicated. Germany wasn't a united country for a long time... so one could say the country provoked ww1 (1914-1918) to have a reason to challenge colonialisation-countries like France and Great Britain, that had a lot of territories occupied all around the world. Germany and his allies, the empire of let's say Austria-Hungary thought to reach a level of more importance this way... taking the colonies and the world power...

As they lost ww1 and years later people suffered (no food, etc.), they freely accepted Hitler (even if there were opponents - they were mainly killed) as new leader, because he said he would have solutions and bring work and money. And as culturally linked country he integrated his "own" Austria... to form a "Great Germany".

All this means Austria has a direct influence and forms one of the old powerful forces in Europe leading to ww1... and the defeat gave later again the circumstances for the next, second world war...

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, Germany peacefully occupied and annexed Austria (In an event known as the anschluss or "link-up") shortly before the war in 1938.

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