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The South African Army and Air Force helped the Allied war effort in North Africa. Also many individual South Africans joined the British forces to fight in Europe.

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Q: Did the South Africans participate in World War 2?
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How did Canadian women particitate in World War 1?


Which wars did General Douglas MacArthur not participate?

World War 1, World War 2, and Korean War.

Why did participation in world war 1 increase Africans' hopes and expectations for independence?

I don't believe most Africans were even aware of WW1.

Did America participate in Olympics during World War 2?

There was no Olympics during World War 2, they were all canceled so no countries participated.

How many yeard did the US participate in World War 2?

about 33/4 years

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What the policy of apartheid used in South Africa in the years following World War 2?

it prevented nonwhite South Africans

Which of the following describes the policy of apartheid used in South Africa in the years following World War 2?

It prevented nonwhite South Africans from fully participating in politics.

What was the impact on africans in world war you?

they did nothing

How did the border war end between Namibia and Angola?

It was South Africa and Angola, and a successful operation by the South Africans at Cuito Cuanavale gave proof to the world of direct Soviet involvement, pushed the Cubans out of the war, and ended the war. South Africa gave up Namibia.

What effect Boer war have on Africans?

Black South Africans were also involved in the war. Some fought; others served as scouts, guards, drivers, and workers. Many black South Africans were captured by the British and placed in concentration camps, where over 14,000 died.

What effect did Boer war have on Africans?

Black South Africans were also involved in the war. Some fought; others served as scouts, guards, drivers, and workers. Many black South Africans were captured by the British and placed in concentration camps, where over 14,000 died.

What effect the Boer war have on Africans?

Black South Africans were also involved in the war. Some fought; others served as scouts, guards, drivers, and workers. Many black South Africans were captured by the British and placed in concentration camps, where over 14,000 died.

What effect did the Boer war have on Africans?

Black South Africans were also involved in the war. Some fought; others served as scouts, guards, drivers, and workers. Many black South Africans were captured by the British and placed in concentration camps, where over 14,000 died.

What war did general MacArthur not participate world war 1 world war 2 the Korean war or the Vietnam war?

he did not participate in vietnam. He was discharged from the service in 1951 by Truman for disrespecting his superiors.

What war did Wilson Woodrow participate in?

World War 1

Why many Africans Americans leave South Carolina after the civil war?
