The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not actually start the Civil Rights Movement. However, he became a widely popular leader of the movement, in part by leading protests at some of the hot spots in the South. Dr. King taught people to resist without violence, a tactic that swung great popular sympathy to the movement.
Martin Luther King invented the Civil Rights Movement
Civil rights
martin Luther king jr goal for the civil rights movement was to tell every body that they should me treated equally martin Luther king jr goal for the civil rights movement was to tell every body that they should me treated equally
martin luther king jr
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King invented the Civil Rights Movement
Civil rights
Martin Luther king Jr. was the most influential leader of the civil rights movement
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther King began the Civil Rights Movement
martin Luther king jr goal for the civil rights movement was to tell every body that they should me treated equally martin Luther king jr goal for the civil rights movement was to tell every body that they should me treated equally
Civil Rights.
Martin Luther King
he led civil rights movement
it was ridiculous and restarted
he led the civil rights movement