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I have the same firearm I belive, I have fired Remington .22 short rounds. Mine has a slight problem with having to strike twice to set the round off

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I also have one and it also has to strike twice to fire. Or it did. A gunsmith "improved" it to where it now requires 4 strikes to fire. You can get some parts as it is a copy of a Colt. Google "butler derringer parts".

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Q: How do you get parts for a butler 22 cal Short single shot pistol none seem to have any listing for the Butler Mfg Inc any suggestions?
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How much is a butler 22 cal short single shot pistol?

5-50 usd

Who makes the butler 22 cal short single shot pistol?

The Butler 22 caliber single shot pistol was made by Derringer. The Derringer company was founded by Henry Derringer. Derringer pistols are the smallest handguns available and were most commonly used by women.

How much is a butler 22 short pistol gold with pearl handles be worth?

5-100 usd

Would anyone have info about butler pistols?

What do you want to know? William Butler made a .36 caliber single shot percussion pistol, patented in 1857. In good condition it is worth around $750 or better.

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10-100 USD or so

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Impossible to answer without the maker's name. Even then....

What ould be a value for Butler mfg 22 cal pistol?

Trade name used on deringers made by E.M.F; 50-100 USD

What is a butler 22 single shot pistol?

Relatively inexpensive swing barrel single shot .22 rim fire. Values are around $45-80, depending on condition.

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The only way to find out how old a Bretta automatic pistol with the serial number 605222 is to call the company. There is not a listing for Bretta's by serial numbers online.

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See the Browning website- customer service. Date of production by serial number listing.

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See the Browning website- customer service. Date of production by serial number listing.

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Meriden Firearms was a subsidiary of Sears Roebuck from about 1905-1915. I can't locate a listing for a single shot pistol they made, but other similar guns from that time period list for $100-$200 depending on condition.