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Vietnam itself was never a threat to the United States. The operative philosophy was the "domino theory" which held that if communists took over South Vietnam, they would then immediately begin subverting neighboring countries, and when they took them over they would subvert their new neighbors, and so on like a line of dominoes.

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Q: Is Vietnam a threat to the US today?
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In the Vietnam war was north Vietnam a threat to the U.S.?

Not a direct threat like physically harming the United States, such as Japanese Submarines did to Brookings Oregon and Santa Barbara California in 1942. Or the German subs that attacked US shipping off the east coast during the war. North Vietnam was a threat, only, as a representative of the Communist powers during the cold war, N. Vietnam was acting as an agent for the USSR & Red China. North Vietnam, has sometimes, been referred to as a "Surrogate" for the USSR & Red China during the war...or someone might say, Vietnam was a "Surrogate War." In that way, yes, N. Vietnam was a threat. If the question is meant to mean, "...was N. Vietnam a threat to US forces in theater (in Vietnam)?" Yes, always. NVAF helicopters may have destroyed a US Navy Swift Boat in 1968 (PCF-19). NVAF MiG-17 jets bombed the US Navy Light Cruiser USS Oklahoma City inflicting only light damage; but heavily damaging the US destroyer USS Higbee in 1972. North Viet shore batteries constantly duelled US warships operating off of Yankee Station (North Vietnamese coastline/Dixie Station was the Southern coastline).

How would Vietnam be today if the US had won the war?

South Vietnam would be like today's "Republic of South Korea" at the current 38th Parallel. Only it would be the "Republic of South Vietnam" at the 17th Parallel.