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The only surrender occurred in April '75 when the south capitulated to the NVA, who actually had their tanks parked on the south's capital grounds at the time. For the US, it "may" have been a "disguised" disengagement from the war in that the US stated, "...Okay, our B-52's have brought the North back to the peace talks, now we've won, now they'll see things our way...or else we'll send those B-52's back to 'em!" Where as, in reality, (this is the "may be disquised" part) the North KNEW the US was dis-engaging from the war, and consequently KNEW it was a waste of Northern manpower/equipment to resist the B-52's with an attitude...when the US was leaving anyway. Therefore, the North said, "...Okay, you win, we'll talk (since you're leaving anyway...why take another pounding from the bombers)." Nixon's policy at the end of the war; was leaving Vietnam with honor (by bombing them back into the stone age-a quote from USAF GEN Curtis LeMay in 1965); it was termed, "Peace with Honor." Historians could look at that as a disguised departure.

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Q: Was the 1973 US versus north Vietnam a disguised surrender?
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How did the South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam develop the Vietnam War?

South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam is what ended the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese had the goal of Vietnamese Unification and the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 allowed them to achieve that objective.

Did In 1974 North Vietnam surrender to South Vietnam?

1975 and reverse the statement.

What city did the North Vietnamese capture that caused South Vietnam to surrender?

The capital, Saigon.

The Vietnam War was between the Vietnam and the who?

Technically between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Actually between the US and North Vietnam.

When was Vietnam divded into North and South Vietnam?

Twice. First in 1945, when an agreement was drawn up as to how the Japanese should surrender. Vietnam was divided (like Korea) along the 16th Parallel. Japanese troops to the North would surrender to China, and troops to the South would surrender to the United Kingdom. Both countries would send in troops to occupy Vietnam. The British handed the south to the French, and the Chinese made a deal with the French and handed them the north. However, the real division was in 1954 as a result of the Geneva Conference, which was held to discuss how to resolve the war between the French and the communist Viet Minh (led by Ho Chi Minh, who wanted independence). The Viet Minh agreed to withdraw all their forces from south of the 17th Parallel. The French agreed to withrdraw all their forces from north of the line. The Geneva Accords said that elections should be held in 1956 for the unification of Vietnam, but the elections ended up being rigged. Vietnam was split into two separate countries as a result.

Related questions

How did the South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam develop the Vietnam War?

South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam is what ended the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese had the goal of Vietnamese Unification and the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 allowed them to achieve that objective.

What city did north Vietnam capture that caused south Vietnam to surrender?


Did In 1974 North Vietnam surrender to South Vietnam?

1975 and reverse the statement.

What year did South Vietnam surrender to North Vietnam?

April 30th 1975 ; Saigon fell to the communists .

What city did north Vietnam enter to get south Vietnam to surrender?

The fall of Saigon occurred on April 30, 1975.

When did north Vietnam defeat the regime of south Vietnam?

NVA tanks crashed thru their gates and accepted their surrender on 30 April 1975.

Is Vietnam politically divided?

From 1954 to 1975, Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel. In April, 1975, North Vietnam troops accepted the surrender of South Vietnam from its president, thereby unifying Vietnam into a single country.

Where did the Vietnam War end?

At the South Vietnam Presidential Palace compound in Saigon on April 30, 1975 when North Vietnamese communist forces accepted the surrender of South Vietnam.

What city did the North Vietnamese capture that caused South Vietnam to surrender?

The capital, Saigon.

Which of these nations supported the independence of North Vietnam from France in 1950BEAD?

Hours after Japan's surrender in World War II, Vietnamese communist Ho Chi Minh declares the independence of Vietnam from France.

Where is north Vietnam?

There no longer is a North Vietnam, North Vietnam and South Vietnam were joined together after the Vietnam War.

How was the in war in Vietnam similar to the US Civil War?

The war in Vietnam was similar to the US Civil War because the war involved North Korea versus South Korea.