Since there are a number of different Israeli-Palestinian Wars and there are different belligerents in each of them. The Arab countries most often involved have been Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. See the Table Below for more information.
Note: Every Arab-Israeli War involves Israel, although in the Persian Gulf War of 1991 Israel did not retaliate when attacked.
Note 2: Palestine can refer to Palestinian Militias, the PLO/Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority.
Note 3: The Six Day War of 1967 is not listed below because it did not actively involve Palestinian Combatants. However, this war was a watershed in Palestinian History since it brought the entire former British Mandate for Palestine under Israeli control.
This list is not exhaustive.
Years of WarIsraeli NameArab NameEgyptIraqJordanLebanonPalestineSaudi ArabiaSyria1947-1949War of IndependenceAn-Nakba (Catastrophe)YESYESYESYESYESYESYES1956Suez Crisis / Sinai CampaignTripartite War of AggressionYESNONONOYESNONO1967Six-Day WarSix-Day War / An-Naksa (Setback)YESYESYESNONONOYES1980-1982Lebanon WarLebanese Civil WarNONONOYESYESNOYES2008-2009Operation Cast LeadInvasion of GazaNONONONOYES (Gaza Only)NONO2012Operation Pillar of DefenseOperation Blue SkyNONONONOYES (Gaza Only)NONO
There are numerous Conflicts and Quasi-Conflicts in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. This list omits any wars that Israelis or Palestinians have fought exclusively with other nations or groups (such as 2006 Lebanon War in Israel's case or Black September in the Palestinian case).
Arab-Israeli War of 1947-1949
Neutral Name: Arab-Israeli War of 1948
Israeli Name: Israeli War of Independence
Arab Name: Nakba (Great Catastrophe)
Result: The Jewish Militias of Palestine (who would become the Israelis) defeated the Arab Militias of Palestine and the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and auxiliary forces from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The ceasefire established a State larger than the one provided by the provisions of UN Resolution 181.
Arab-Israeli War of 1956
Neutral Name: Suez Crisis
Israeli Name: Sinai War
Arab Name: The War of Tripartite Aggression
Result: In five days the Israeli army captured Gaza, Rafaḥ, and Al-ʿArīsh-taking thousands of prisoners-and occupied most of the peninsula east of the Suez Canal. The ceasefire ceded this land back to Egypt in return for navigation rights on the canal and through the Straits of Tiran.
The Palestinian involvement was primarily along Israel's eastern border with the West Bank where Palestinian militants attacked some Israeli cities.
Arab-Israeli War of 1967
Neutral Name, Israeli Name, and Arab Name: Six-Day War
Result: Within the brief span of six days, the IDF overran the whole Sinai peninsula, up to the Suez Canal; took the entire West Bank of the River Jordan; and in the last days, without the benefit of surprise, captured a great part of the Golan Heights, including the dominant Mount Hermon - from then on "the eyes and ears of Israel". The culminating event was the capture of the Old City of Jerusalem and the re-encounter with the place most revered by Jews, the Western (Wailing) Wall. The blowing of the shofar at the Western Wall reverberated throughout the world.
The Palestinians were affected by this war quite strongly in that the entirety of Mandatory Palestine came under Israeli control, but they did not take an active part in the conflict.
Lebanese Civil War 1975-1982 (Israeli involvement from 1981-1982)
Neutral Name: Lebanese Civil War
Israeli Name: First Lebanon War
Arab Name: Lebanese Civil War
Result: The War was primarily not an Israeli conflict, but an internal Lebanese struggle. However, when Palestinian militants from Lebanon attacked Israel in 1981 and 1982, prompting an Israeli military response. By the end of the conflict, Syria had intervened as well. The Palestine Liberation Organization was successfully evicted from Lebanon, and Israel completely withdrew from Lebanon in 2000.
Palestinian Intifadas (Uprisings) of 1987-1993 and 2000-2005
Neutral Name, Israeli Name, and Arab Name: First & Second Intifadas
Result: The First Intifada had the effect of producing the Oslo Accords and the first International Recognition of Palestinian Aspirations. The Second Intifada had the effect of primarily destroying the Palestinian economy and lands in the Israeli reaction to the suicide bombers/bombings.
Gazan War of 2008-2009
Neutral Name: Gazan War of 2008-2009
Israeli Name: Operation Cast Lead
Arab Name: Gaza Massacre
Result: Israel won a decisive military victory against Hamas, destroying much of the infrastructure and capabilities of that organization.
Gazan War of 2012
Neutral Name: Gazan War of 2012
Israeli Name: Operation Pillar of Cloud/Pillar of Defense
Arab Name: Operation Stones of Shale
Result: Both sides claim victory. Israel claims that the Iron Dome system effectively prevented Hamas' ability to hurt Israel, but that Hamas suffered several blows. Hamas claims that they were victorious since Israel was forced to concede 3 additional miles of fishing permissions.
Jewish Settlement: 1920s-1940s, Jews settle in the British Mandate of Palestine. (This is not to say that there were not Jews in the Mandate prior to the 1920s, but the amount of Jews in the Mandate increases substantially.)
Fights between Arab and Jewish Militias: Late 1920s-1940s, Arabs and Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine begin to fight each other. These are usually small attacks or minor pogroms. Throughout this period, Arabs and Jews lived in segregated villages, so the attacking group would enter the village and wantonly kill the civilians there.
UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II): On November 29, 1947 the United Nations passed a General Assembly Resolution recognizing the right for the Jews of Mandatory Palestine and the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine to declare independence as separate and unique states. Both the United States and Soviet Union supported the Resolution from a pro-Jewish perspective. Arabs across the Arab World were angry and vehemently declared that they would never allow any part of Mandatory Palestine to become a Jewish State.
Israeli War of Independence / Palestinian Catastrophe (Nakba): This war was fought in two main phases. From late 1947 to May of 1948, the British still held nominal control of the territory and the fighting was restricted to groups within Mandatory Palestine. Jewish and Arab Militias more frequently fought away from civilian centers (except Jerusalem which was the sight of heavy bloodshed) for control of the area. After the British withdrew on May 14, 1948, the Jews declared their independence. This allowed the conflict to expand and seven Arab nations contributed armies or regiments to assist the Palestinian Arabs. During this period, both sides, but more commonly Israelis, attacked civilians and caused many of them to flee. After the war, Israel refused to allow them re-admittance. Israel controlled more land after the war than they would have controlled had the Arabs peacefully accepted a Jewish State along the UN-proscribed boundaries.
Suez Crisis: 1956, Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal and blocks Israeli shipping, leading to an alliance of the United Kingdom, France, and Israel attacking Egypt and conquering the Sinai Peninsula. After the War, the United States and Soviet Union jointly forced the parties to return to the antebellum situation, but while placing UNEF troops in the Sinai and giving Israel freedom of the seas.
Six Day War: 1967, By virtue of a preemptive war, Israel gains all lands in the former British Mandate of Palestine and begins the military occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Settlement construction begins at this point. Jerusalem is unified and the Old City is renovated to allow for mutual religious practice.
Yom Kippur War/October War: 1973, Egypt and Syria launch a devastating surprise attack on Israel, making important gains in the first two weeks. When Israel finally reversed the tide, they began conquering territories beyond the Six Day War territories. The lands were returned to the antebellum state and it was then clear that Israel would not be eliminated through strength of arms. The early Arab victories also shattered the myth of Israeli invincibility and lead to Arabs seeing themselves as less humiliated.
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Accords: 1979, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin signed the Camp David Accords. Egypt had Sinai returned to it from 1979 to 1982 and the two countries exchanged ambassadors. Sadat was later assassinated for his work to end the conflict.
Lebanese Civil War: 1981-1982, After the Palestine Liberation Organization began attacking Israelis from Lebanon, Israel intervened in the ongoing Lebanese Civil War to remove the PLO from Beirut. Israel was successful in this if only because they eliminated Beirut as a city. Israel also assisted in the atrocities of Sabra and Shatila which were perpetrated against Palestinian Refugees by Lebanese Christians. (Note that the Lebanese Civil War began in 1975, but there was no Israeli Involvement until 1981.)
Intifadas: 1987-1991, 2000-2005, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza rose up against Israeli Military Occupation and the Settlements. They began to use suicide bombers to attack Israeli Civilians. This resulted in an intense shootout and an Israeli military and intelligence counteroffensive.
Oslo Accords: 1993, The Palestinian Authority was formed and given partial control of Gaza and parts of the West Bank by Israeli Authorities.
Jordanian-Israeli Peace Accords: 1994, Following the Oslo Accords, King Hussein of Jordan was willing to make peace with Israel and ceded his claim to the West Bank territories to the nascent Palestinian State.
Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza: 2005, All Israeli Settlements and troops were removed from Gaza on the orders of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The Palestinian Authority was ceded full control of the region.
Separation Fence / Israeli Apartheid Wall:2006-Present, The Fence made suicide bombing almost impossible and began the rocket attacks which persisted for a while in the West Bank before abating. Israeli and Palestinian Leaders in the West Bank continue to negotiate a solution for the West Bank. Palestinian Leaders there are improving the Palestinian Economic situation in spite of the Occupation.
Gaza Rocket Fire & the two Gazan Wars: 2006-Present, Following the Hamas Military Takeover of Gaza, Israel has blockaded the area and been the recipient of numerous rocket attacks. In December of 2008, Israeli military forces invaded Gaza in an attempt to quash Hamas' operations. Numerous Palestinian Civilians died in the raid. Hamas continues to launch rockets at Israeli border towns. The Second Gazan War of 2012 was no different.
Jewish Settlement: 1920s-1940s, Jews settle in the British Mandate of Palestine. (This is not to say that there were not Jews in the Mandate prior to the 1920s, but the amount of Jews in the Mandate increases substantially.)
Fights between Arab and Jewish Militias: Late 1920s-1940s, Arabs and Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine begin to fight each other. These are usually small attacks or minor pogroms. Throughout this period, Arabs and Jews lived in segregated villages, so the attacking group would enter the village and wantonly kill the civilians there.
UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II): On November 29, 1947 the United Nations passed a General Assembly Resolution recognizing the right for the Jews of Mandatory Palestine and the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine to declare independence as separate and unique states. Both the United States and Soviet Union supported the Resolution from a pro-Jewish perspective. Arabs across the Arab World were angry and vehemently declared that they would never allow any part of Mandatory Palestine to become a Jewish State.
Israeli War of Independence / Palestinian Catastrophe (Nakba): This war was fought in two main phases. From late 1947 to May of 1948, the British still held nominal control of the territory and the fighting was restricted to groups within Mandatory Palestine. Jewish and Arab Militias more frequently fought away from civilian centers (except Jerusalem which was the sight of heavy bloodshed) for control of the area. After the British withdrew on May 14, 1948, the Jews declared their independence. This allowed the conflict to expand and seven Arab nations contributed armies or regiments to assist the Palestinian Arabs. During this period, both sides, but more commonly Israelis, attacked civilians and caused many of them to flee. After the war, Israel refused to allow them re-admittance. Israel controlled more land after the war than they would have controlled had the Arabs peacefully accepted a Jewish State along the UN-proscribed boundaries.
Suez Crisis: 1956, Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal and blocks Israeli shipping, leading to an alliance of the United Kingdom, France, and Israel attacking Egypt and conquering the Sinai Peninsula. After the War, the United States and Soviet Union jointly forced the parties to return to the antebellum situation, but while placing UNEF troops in the Sinai and giving Israel freedom of the seas.
Six Day War: 1967, By virtue of a preemptive war, Israel gains all lands in the former British Mandate of Palestine and begins the military occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Settlement construction begins at this point. Jerusalem is unified and the Old City is renovated to allow for mutual religious practice.
Yom Kippur War/October War: 1973, Egypt and Syria launch a devastating surprise attack on Israel, making important gains in the first two weeks. When Israel finally reversed the tide, they began conquering territories beyond the Six Day War territories. The lands were returned to the antebellum state and it was then clear that Israel would not be eliminated through strength of arms. The early Arab victories also shattered the myth of Israeli invincibility and lead to Arabs seeing themselves as less humiliated.
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Accords: 1979, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin signed the Camp David Accords. Egypt had Sinai returned to it from 1979 to 1982 and the two countries exchanged ambassadors. Sadat was later assassinated for his work to end the conflict.
Lebanese Civil War: 1981-1982, After the Palestine Liberation Organization began attacking Israelis from Lebanon, Israel intervened in the ongoing Lebanese Civil War to remove the PLO from Beirut. Israel was successful in this if only because they eliminated Beirut as a city. Israel also assisted in the atrocities of Sabra and Shatila which were perpetrated against Palestinian Refugees by Lebanese Christians. (Note that the Lebanese Civil War began in 1975, but there was no Israeli Involvement until 1981.)
Intifadas: 1987-1991, 2000-2005, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza rose up against Israeli Military Occupation and the Settlements. They began to use suicide bombers to attack Israeli Civilians. This resulted in an intense shootout and an Israeli military and intelligence counteroffensive.
Oslo Accords: 1993, The Palestinian Authority was formed and given partial control of Gaza and parts of the West Bank by Israeli Authorities.
Jordanian-Israeli Peace Accords: 1994, Following the Oslo Accords, King Hussein of Jordan was willing to make peace with Israel and ceded his claim to the West Bank territories to the nascent Palestinian State.
Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza: 2005, All Israeli Settlements and troops were removed from Gaza on the orders of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The Palestinian Authority was ceded full control of the region.
Separation Fence / Israeli Apartheid Wall:2006-Present, The Fence made suicide bombing almost impossible and began the rocket attacks which persisted for a while in the West Bank before abating. Israeli and Palestinian Leaders in the West Bank continue to negotiate a solution for the West Bank. Palestinian Leaders there are improving the Palestinian Economic situation in spite of the Occupation.
Gaza Rocket Fire & the two Gazan Wars: 2006-Present, Following the Hamas Military Takeover of Gaza, Israel has blockaded the area and been the recipient of numerous rocket attacks. In December of 2008, Israeli military forces invaded Gaza in an attempt to quash Hamas' operations. Numerous Palestinian Civilians died in the raid. Hamas continues to launch rockets at Israeli border towns. The Second Gazan War of 2012 was no different.
French and Indian war.
They wished to remain out of the conflict
Israel is a clear victor of ALL of the wars being fought.
The beginning of the American Indian wars.
Depends what you mean by war. There is always conflict somewhere in the world. Examples are the Colombian conflict, the Afghan and Somali wars. Iraq and Pakistan. The Mexican drug war. The Sudanese conflict and problems in Yemen and Syria
The Banana Wars
There are numerous conflicts in the Middle East, like the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Greater Arab-Israeli Conflict, the Iran-Iraq and Persian Gulf Wars, the Arab Spring Wars, the Lebanese Civil Conflict and War, the Turko-Cypriot Conflict, the Egypt-Libya Sand Wars, the Yemeni Civil War, and the Iranian-Israeli Proxy Wars.
wars are one of the critical arisen of conflict!
Rome versus Carthage.
Conflict over territory.
Switzerland was the country that advoided conflict during the world wars.
No, just World Wars I, and II.
The Wars Of The Roses
Wars are definitely not a good way to end conflict. Because, in wars many innocent people die. Also, so-many resources are wasted.
No, but the sequel, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict* is compatible. *Dark Conflict is the name of the European version, as there are regional variations.
they go and fight wars