It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)
the division of Vietnam into two countries
Pakistan was created in about 1947, North & South Vietnam were established in about 1954. Remember, VIETNAM was two countries not one!
Laos and Cambodia were both drawn into the Vietnam War because of atrocities the people of these two countries suffered under the hands of North Vietnam. South Vietnam and other countries were trying to keep the North Vietnamese army from spreading Communism in these countries.
Only one nation won the Viet War; North Vietnam. Interesting question, which two nations did you have in mind?
The countries to west of Vietnam are Laos and to the southwest Cambodia. China borders at the north.
It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)
The countries that controlled Vietnam were Japan and France.
North Vietnam won them.
Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos. Vietnam and Laos.
The two countries are Cambodia and Laos.
Two separate countries: South Vietnam was officially called RVN (Republic of South Vietnam). When US servicemen landed in country, they were greeted with "Welcome to the Republic of South Vietnam" (enjoy your stay).
the division of Vietnam into two countries
North and South Vietnam
It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)
Cambodia, Laos, and China.
Pakistan was created in about 1947, North & South Vietnam were established in about 1954. Remember, VIETNAM was two countries not one!