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A lot...... probably easiest if I answer this as a timeline. Hope this helps!


Sept 1 - Germany invades Poland.

Sept 3 - England and Allies (at this stage - France, Australia and New Zealand) declare war on Germany.

Sept 6 - South Africa declares war on Germany

Sept 17 - the Soviet Union invades Poland.

Nov 30 - Soviet Union invades Finland.


April 9 - Germany invades Norway and Denmark. Denmark surrenders on day of invasion, Norway holds out until June.

May 10 - Winston Churchill appointed British Prime Minister. Germany invades Wester Europe - Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium. Luxembourg surrenders.

May 12 - Germany invades France.

May 14 - Holland surrenders. Home Guard created in Britain.

May 27 - Dunkirk - 340,000 British and French troops are evacuated from French soil, many by volunteers in dinghys and fishing boats from England.

May 28 - Belgium surrenders

June 4 - last of the forces evacuated from Dunkirk.

June 9 - Norway surrenders.

June 10 - Italy enters the war on the side of the Germans and declares war on England and France.

June 14 - Germany takes Paris

June 30 - Germany takes the Channel Isles - the only British soil to be occupied by Germany.

June 21 - Italy invades southern France

June 22 - France surrenders

July 9 - Britain starts night bombing raids on Germany

July 10 - Battle of Britain begins

Sept 7 - the Blitz begins on London.

Sept 13 - Italy invades British-held Egypt

Sept 20 - Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. Japan enters the war on the side of Germany.

Oct - Italy invades Greece.

Nov - Slovakia, Hungary and Romania join the war on the side of the Germans.


March - Bulgaria joins the Axis (German allies)

April 6 - Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia.

May 10 - House of Commons in London damaged by air raid

June 22 - Germany invades Russia

Dec 7 - Pearl Harbour in USA attacked by Japan, USA enters the war the following day.

Dec 25 - Hong Kong surrenders to Japan


Japan catches up for lost time....

Jan 2 - Japan takes Manila in the Phillipines

Feb 15 - Japan takes Singapore

May 5 - Battle of the Coal sea between US and Japan navies

May 30 - Americans start bombing Germany from Britain

Nov 8 - British and US troops win back North Africa.

Dec 11-13 - Germany and its allies declare war on US.


19 April - May - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Poland - the largest single revolt by Jews against the Nazis during the war.

May 16 - the Dam Buster raid.

Sept 18 - Italy surrenders.

Oct 10 - Italy turns turncoat and declares war on Germany.


June 4 - Rome freed by the Allies

June 6 - D Day landings

June 12 - First doodlebug lands in Britain

Aug 15 - Allied forces land in southern France

Aug 20 - Allied forces liberate Paris

Aug/Sept - Warsaw uprising - the largest ever civilian revolt in history

Sept 11 - US troops enter Germany

Oct 20 - US troops land in the Philippines

Dec 16 - Battle of the Bulge


Jan 12 - Soviets liberate Warsaw and Krakow in Poland

Feb 13 - Soviets capture Budapest, capital of Hungary

April 16 - Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin.

April 30 - Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide

May 7 - Germany surrenders

May 8 - Winston Churchill announces VE Day. WWII ends in Europe.

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12y ago

After Germany invaded Poland, World War II in Europe began. There were many treaties made across Europe prior to the war because of the fear of Another Country invading it. The downside is, when one country attacks, it triggers a chain reaction and there you have it, a world war. That is kind of how World War II started, and that is why the UN tries to lessen armistices signed that could start another world war.

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12y ago

Poland and France declared war on Germany. This war became known as World War II.

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Britain and France declared war on Germany.

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