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The Korean War was the FIRST "Hot" battle of the Cold War. And the FIRST "LIMITED WAR" fought under the restrictions of the "Atomic-Age." The Soviets tested their FIRST A-Bomb in 1949, one year prior to the Korean War. Had it NOT been for nuclear weapons, the Korean War could have easily developed into World War III (Total War). However, the advent of Atomic Weapons, made TOTAL WAR not desirable. Therefore, "Limited Wars" could only be fought. A war Limited to conventional weapons, and limited to certain regions. Vietnam would be the SECOND "Hot" battle of the Cold War (and last "Limited War"). US Military Operations would carry on the torch from there.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The first hot battle of the cold war (Vietnam would be the second hot battle of the cold war). And, the first LIMITED war fought during the age of atomic weapons. Total war would be using ALL WEAPONS, to include atomic weapons (nuclear weapons).

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The first "hot" battle of the cold war; a war to stop communist aggression in 1950 to 1953 in Korea.

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