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Lifting weights.

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Q: What is a good anaerobic workout?
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What of this is not A good anaerobic workout?

Playing badly

What part of swimming is aerobic and anaerobic?

When you are doing high-volume workouts, with a good amount of breathing, this is an aerobic swimming workout. Anaerobic swimming workouts have to do with sprinting. However, simply sprinting, even if it is on a pace clock, does not make the workout anaerobic. By extending the rest period, and demanding the maximal speed of the athlete during springs, is an anaerobic swimming workout.

What is a anaerobic workout?

Lifting weights.

Is yoga an aerobics workout?

No, yoga is considered an anaerobic exercise

What following constitutes a good anaerobic workout?

Lifting weights

How can you incorporate anaerobic exercise into a workout routine. What two activities could you realistically start doing in addition to your workout?

you can rashin them out throuout the routine

Is jogging an anaerobic exercise?

Running, for all humans, starts off as aerobic. But, if, during a run/jog/workout, your body cannot continue to complete aerobic respiration, running then becomes anaerobic (aerobic and anaerobic meaning with and without oxygen). So, if you push your body enough, you will reach anaerobic running. The point at which running goes from aerobic to anaerobic is the anaerobic threshold.

During the 200 meters shannon will be working anaerobically.?

any kind of workout you do that involves heavy breathing is called aerobic...anaerobic means the workout has nothing to do with running walking or jumping ect.. ect...

What is the direct object in this sentence The baseball coach gave a good workout to her players.?

a good workout.

Is pushing an SUV a good workout?

Pushing an SUV is a good workout. Just like NFL's Walter Jones, he pushes an SUV around for off season workout.

A good workout that's good for your butt?


Where can I get a good ultimate workout from?

You can get a good ultimate workout from using tapes to joining a gym. Here are a few sites for you to checkout Music The Mix , and