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Q: What kept American from creating a strong central government?
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What initially kept the Americans from creating a strong central government?

Americans had understandably soured on the idea of a strong central government after living under British rule. The American Revolution was fought to gain freedom and independence.

What did nationalists want in a new American government?

A strong central government

What nationalists want in a new American government?

A strong central government

Was William Paterson the Founding Father wanted a very strong central government headed by an American King?

No. Alexanader Hamilton wanted a strong central government headed by an American King.

What did nationalist want in new American governments?

a strong central government

Does a confederation system have a strong central government?

no, it does not have a strong central government

How did the federalists feel about a strong central government?

The Federalists wanted a strong central government whereas the Republicans feared a strong central government.

What was Alex Hamiltons position on Federalism?

He was a federalist that believed in having a strong central government by creating the national bank.

How did the federalist benefit from a strong government?

The Federalists wanted a strong central government. They benefitted because a strong central government was created.

What federalists attended the constitutional convention?

A Federalist was someone who supporte the drafting of a new constitution creating a strong central government.

What were the American colonists reluctant to accept after winning their independence from England?

be governed by a strong central government

Why were some of the states fearful of creating a strong central government?

the states wanted more power over the federal government.