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Q: What was the first Japanese city to be subjected to nuclear warfare?
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What was the First city ever subjected to nuclear warfare called?


On what Japanese city was the first nuclear bomb dropped?

The first Japanese city to be attacked by a nuclear weapon is Hiroshima.

How did the Manhattan project revolutionize warfare?

With the creation of the worlds first nuclear weapons.

Which Japanese city was the site of the world's first nuclear attack?

Hiroshima was the Japanese city that was the site of the world's first nuclear attack on August 6, 1945.

What is the first nuclear weapon called?

The first nuclear weapon used in warfare was called "Little Boy." It was dropped by the United States on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, during World War II.

Where was the Japanese city devastated by the first atomic bomb used in warfare?

That city was Hiroshima.

The first nuclear bomb was drooped on what Japanese city?

Canada no im joking Hiroshima

What 2 Japanese cities were bombed on August of 1945?

The two Japanese cities that were bombed in August 1945 were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings, carried out by the United States, were the first and only instances of nuclear warfare. The bombings resulted in significant loss of life and had a major impact on Japan's surrender in World War II.

What was barbed wire's first use in warfare?

Barbed wire was first used as a war defense system during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

When was the first nuclear bomb used?

8:15am on August 6, 1945 ; this weapon was first employed against the Japanese city of Hiroshima .

What was the hostage crisis?

The hostage crisis was the Untied States of America's first nuclear warfare threat when the country of Wadaya took Micheal Jackson hostage.

Did America use poisonous gas in the Vietnam war?

No. During that war it was US doctrine to utilize chemical warfare only for retaliation; the US would not use it first. Biological warfare was not US doctrine. Not to be used. The US reserved the right to "first strike" with nuclear weapons.