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Q: Which colony was founded mainly as a place for personal and religious freedom?
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Why was colonial Massachusetts Bay founded?

Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded for religious freedom.

Which colony was founded mainly as place for personal religious freedom?

Massachusetts was founded by Pilgrims seeking personal & religious freedoms.

Why was Delaware founded as a colony?

It was a place for religious freedom.

Who founded the first colony to offer religious freedom?

The first colony to offer religious freedom was Rhode Island, which was founded by Roger Williams. Williams was also for the idea of separating Church and State.

This colony was founded by Quakers and guaranteed religious freedom to all?


What what colony was settled by Quakers for religious freedom?

Pennsylvania. It is named for William Penn who founded the colony.

When was Massachusetts bay colony founded?

it was founded by the Puritans in 1628 they were searching for religious freedom from the king.

Who founded the colony of Rhode Islnad for religious freedom?

Roger Williams founded Rhode Island

Why was the colony of Rhode Island founded and by whom?

religious freedom roger williams

Why was the colony of massachussets founded?

The Puritans were seeking religious freedom from the Church of England.

What colony was the first to have statutes of religious freedom?

Rhode Island when it was founded in 1636.

Which colony was founded as a place where catholics would have religious freedom in 1634?
