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The 'heyday' of witch-hunting was from about 1550-1700. Witch-hunting had a particular attraction for Protestants - from Hungary to New England.

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people, priests, people believe in goodness and they believe that witches are evil

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Q: Who killed witches?
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Are witches inoccent?

witches don't exist but the people killed because people thought they were witches are Innocent in movies and films they are evil

Witches were welcomed into Puritan society?

No - women accused of being witches were hunted tortured and killed.

Why were so many convicted witches killed?

People were scared of what witches could or would do with their power. They considered all witches evil, which was not, in fact, the case. Indeed, there were evil witches, but there were also good witches.

Were the three withches killed in Macbeth?

The Witches forecast the downfall of Macbeth and then vanish. (not killed by anyone)

How were most witches killed in Britain?

Most of them were burned on a stake.

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Would Macbeth have killed Duncan if the witches had not predicted he would become king or was it truly his fate with or without the witches?

It's likely that Macbeth would not have killed Duncan if the witches had not planted the idea of his kingship in his mind. While Macbeth struggled with ambition, the witches' prophecy ignited and intensified his desires, leading him to take action. Without the witches, it's possible that Macbeth's fate would have unfolded differently.

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What happened to witches in James 1st era?

They all were killed. ....and burnt ....alive

How many witches did mathew Hopkins kill?

148 were killed because of his accusations.

How were witches executed in europe?

Witches were killed in a variety of ways. If they actually made it through the torturing without dying then they were likely burned alive or hung.

How many witches are in the world?

As far as scientist know, 0. The Salem Witch Trials, however, was a time when people were accused of being witches and were killed.