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Q: Who owned Rupert's land before Canada?
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Why did HBC have an advantage over the NWC geographical wise?

They were given a large portion of land surrounding the Hudson bay. The land was called "Ruperts Land". Since the HBC owned the land they had an monopoly of its buisness. Monopoly-complete control(only people aloud to buy and sell furs there)

Who owned the the land before the Louisiana Purchase and why did they agree to sell the land?

That land was claimed by France. Napoleon agreed to sell it to the US to get money he needed to fund his wars in Europe.

Why did colonist and Americans Indians disagree about who owned the land?

Because they needed land

What did William Henry seward want to do?

add the amount of land the untied states owned

Who owned houses in the middle ages?

Members of the nobility owned the houses on their manors. The landed gentry was sometimes regarded as of the nobility, and sometimes not, but they owned land and the houses on it. There were a lot of small land holders who owned their own land, they are referred to as yeomen. In towns and cities, a lot of the housing was owned by landlords, who are probably best described as middle class. The Church owned a lot of land and the houses on it. Serfs and tenants, of course, did not own their houses.

Related questions

What did Louis riel do in the US?

Scheme to respond to the Canadian invasion of Ruperts Land and to hide from the successful domination of Ruperts Land by Canada.

Is Louis riel a villain?

In Canada he is. Canada bought Ruperts Land and acted like there was no people living there and if any where they would be thrilled to be ruled by Canada. Riel made it impossible to suggest people were not already living in Ruperts Land, worst yet he forced Canada to kill and take land by force. Something they would like to forget.

What tribes lived in Ruperts land?

the mohawk tribe was one of many tribes who lived in ruperts land

Who owned rubert's land before Canada bought it?

Hudson's Bay company :)

Where had the metis fled to after the red river rebellion?

They did not flee, they held their ground, putting Canada into the position of purging the land of Metis and other people included in their purchase of Ruperts Land. Canada choose to blame just the leaders who fled to the United States as refugees.

Where had the Metis fled after the red river rebellion?

They did not flee, they held their ground, putting Canada into the position of purging the land of Metis and other people included in their purchase of Ruperts Land. Canada choose to blame just the leaders who fled to the United States as refugees.

How did the Metis act when Ruperts land was purchased by Canada?

Today the term Metis refer to all those of European and Aboriginal mixed blood but when Canada purchased Ruperts Land, complete with people, Metis referred to French and Aboriginal mixed bloods. Most mixed bloods in Ruperts Land were Scottish Aboriginal or British Aboriginal and that is still the case for Western Canada. This answer will refer to all those of European Aboriginal mixed blood as Metis. They responded as anyone would if they had found themselves being sold to a new country without being consulted. First with questions, then with action which included creating their own government to talk to Canada with. Canada would not accept any such governments in their colonies and responded violently. The Metis and other met violence with violence but were out numbered and out gunned.

Why did HBC have an advantage over the NWC geographical wise?

They were given a large portion of land surrounding the Hudson bay. The land was called "Ruperts Land". Since the HBC owned the land they had an monopoly of its buisness. Monopoly-complete control(only people aloud to buy and sell furs there)

Why were First Nations peoples' voices not heard in Canadian Confederation?

They were not British, not a colony. Only after Canada bought Ruperts Land and acquired the Northwest Territories did they "inherit" aboriginal issues and treaties that had to be addressed.

Who owned Texas before it became a state?

The land was originally owned by Spain.

What areas of land did Ruperts Land cover?

i really don't know sorry dawg

How did confederation affect the métis on ruperts land?

Negatively. Once Confederated Canada looked to colonize Ruperts Land which they eventually did. The Metis and many, some say most, locals (those living in Ruperts Land before being sold to Canada) did not agree with Canadian Colonisation of what they saw as their land. Canada used military force and fraud to quell rebellions to control and manipulate the Metis until large numbers of Canadian immigrants were used to make the locals, including the Metis, a minority in their own land. This was meant to and did disenfranchise them from the political processes that would create Canadian provinces and territories from Canada's new Colonies. It was even worst for those "mixed breeds" of English and Scottish descent. Canada's deep cultural connections to the French had resulted in them being referred to as "Metis" a French/Latin word. Not likely one they would have chosen. Even today within the Metis community some do not consider them "real" Metis because they are not French. The Metis, including those of Scottish, English and French descent lost lands, cultures and a major role in the political systems that rule them due to the Confederation of British Colonies to the East.