Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and North America are each partly in the eastern hemisphere and partly in the western one.
There are only three continents that span the Western and Eastern Hemispheres: Europe, Africa, and Antarctica.
There are four continents in the Western Hemisphere, North America fully in the hemisphere, South America fully in the hemisphere, Antarctica partly, Africa partly.
Africa, Europe, and Antarctica are the three continents that are partly in the Eastern Hemisphere and partly in the Western Hemisphere.
Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and North America are each partly in the eastern hemisphere and partly in the western one.
The four continents that are partly in the western hemisphere and partly in the eastern hemisphere are Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and Asia.
Africa and Antarctica are the two continents that lie partly in the western hemisphere and partly in the eastern hemisphere.
Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and North America are each partly in the eastern hemisphere and partly in the western one.
Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and North America are each partly in the eastern hemisphere and partly in the western one.
Europe, Africa, Antarctica, and North America are each partly in the eastern hemisphere and partly in the western one.
Asia and Australia are completely in the eastern hemisphere.South America is completely in the Western Hemisphere.The remaining continents,EuropeAfricaNorth AmericaAntarcticaare partly in the eastern and partly in the western hemisphere.
Europe and Africa lie partly in the western hemisphere and partly in the eastern hemisphere. The prime meridian, which divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres, runs through Greenwich, London, with most of Europe and Africa lying to the east of this line.
-- Europe -- Africa -- Antarctica and -- North America are.
There are only three continents that span the Western and Eastern Hemispheres: Europe, Africa, and Antarctica.