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Louis Cawkwell likes aeroplanes and IS AWESOME and loves Amy oxley he is also the C.E.O of Louis Incorpted and is a proud surportter of the officially monster raving loony party

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Q: What is the definition of Louis Cawkwell?
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Check with the US Census Bureau. The link is below. The census data will show a definition for what a household is and how many were observed in St Louis. You also can see the trend line for changes over the years.

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Err YES! In my opinion anyway.Another Answer!: YES! He's fit ;)Another answer: YES! He is the definition of good-looking;)

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"L'État, c'est moi" (I am the state.) He was known as The Sun King.

How did the definition of the west change in the years 1800 to 1860?

St. Louis used to be the west because nobody lived any further west. As people moved farther and farther, the definition of west moved with them. Especially with the California gold rush in 1849, since that's about as far west as anybody could go.

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