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Medieval Europe was ruled by kings and aristocratic families.

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I think it is feudalism.

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Q: What is the political and military system of the middle ages?
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Was The dominant political system in the middle ages known as fundalism?

No, it was known as "Feudalism".

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No. The increase in the power of the Church happened in the Roman Empire at a time when the economic and political power was mostly in the hands of the military. In the Middle Ages, the aristocracy gained military power, and the rise of the middle class only happened during the Middle Ages after that.

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Feudalism. And it didn't, very well.

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Feudalism was a system of government during the Middle Ages. And the Crusades is a medieval military expedition.

How did the Renaissance affect Europe's political system?

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How did Political change in late middle ages?

Feudalism ended by gunpowder.