Bismarck used Realpolitik, ruthless politics that puts the goals of the state ahead of any other concern (basically "ends justify the means" politics.) Specifically, in addition to ignoring Prussian law when he felt it necessary, he manipulated his way into wars--with Denmark, Austria, and France--to stir up German nationalism so he could accomplish unification. Bismarck also used the policy of Kulturkampf. This is a struggle for culture. He did so by attacking the Catholic Church, which creates a common enemy amung the North Germans. He eventually fails, but this common enemy helps to unify Germany. The Zollverein Trade and Tariff Union was an economic aid to Bismarck's unification of Germany. It brought down the barriers between states and helped to create an interdependence amung them. He emphasized a common history amung the Germans. He used Brothers Grimm, which were two brothers that wrote a collection of German fairytales including Rapunzel, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, and Snow White, to show that even though the people of Germany may be different, they were still very much the same. They had the same customs, language, and traditions. The wars that Otto Von Bismarck manipulated his way into were also a way of unifying Germany. Win after win got the people of Germany stirring about their great army and navy. He removed the threat of Austria, then took land from the Danish, and beat out the French. Bismarck successfully conquered the European world and united Germany.
The gold standard was first adopted in Britain in 1821Read more: gold-standard
Hadrian had no natural children; he did, however, adopt two sons: Lucius Aelius and Antoninus Pius.
because it made them lots of money, and made them feel superior
TheAmerican peoplewill never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of 'Liberalism', they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation withoutknowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.
The judaic influence of the early Jewish Christians: "God" built the world in six days, then he rested.
At the time of World War II Germany had a fascist government.
did not have the power to fight Germany
Adopt Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party, which took over control of Germany.
A pro-German policy.
He transformed Russia from an empire into a nation by modernizing it.
In Germany, gay couples are allowed to have registered partnerships. One of the benefits of these registered partnerships is that they are allowed to adopt their partner's biological children. However, as of 2014 they are not allowed to adopt children outside their partnership.
nothing they just used their brains thats all
Because it is dry country- little rainfall.
Look up ICWA.Answer:Many first nations groups see it as wrong for non-aboriginal people to adopt first nations children as they will be diviorced from their traditions and culture. This results from a rather sordid history of white families adopting native children to integrate them into white North Amaerican society. The first step would therefor be - Be a native person wanting to adopt a native child.