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ITS B. TRUST ME ITS B. i got it wrong and it showed the correct answer

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Ari Vibes

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Aida Medhurst

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awsum thxx!
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Fredrick Jerde

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great answer thxxx! ?
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Laverna Conn

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great answer thxx ?
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Cletus Quigley

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awesome ty!
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love it!
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Serenity McClain

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no A it was a for me
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Shae Silvas

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I think it is A. Citizens promote policies through political parties

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The election of representatives

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The election of represenatives

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Q: Which characteristic of many modern systems of government was borrowed from the Roman Republic?
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What countries have legal systems based on Roman law?

Many European nations base their law on Roman systems. So do most Latin American countries, which were once European colonies. Roman law has also influenced the Unites States. Many principles of the Roman Republic, such as equal justice under the law, became part of the American system of government.

The political system of the ancient roman empire was characterized by?

A strong central government because for over 200 years, the pax romana helped solidify a strong central government by building sophistiated road systems, establishing a universal language, exercising greater dgrees of direct democracy, all with a large army. this unified the vast empire.

How did the Romans republic the exhibit qualities of 3 forms of government?

The idea of the Republic having qualities of three forms of government came from Polybius' use of the political theory of Greek philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle said that different states had different constitutions (political systems) which were: monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy and democracy. Monarchy was rule by a king, oligarchy was rule by the rich, aristocracy was rule by the excellent (determined by qualities and abilities rather than just wealth) and democracy was rule by the people. Aristotle also talked about what he called a mixed constitution, which combined elements of various kinds of constitutions.Ancient Greek scholar Polybius argued that the Roman Republic was a mixed constitution. He thought the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the city and the army) were like a monarchy, the senate was an aristocracy (its members were not elected and were drafted for among the aristocrats, and the popular assembly (which voted on bills) provided an element of democracy. This created a situation of checks and balances in which the three elements of the constitution checked the power of the others and balanced the weaknesses of the others.Aristotle though that in a single constitution there were dangers that it could degenerate into a 'perverted' constitution: Monarchy could degenerate into tyranny, aristocracy could degenerate into oligarchy (were power was used solely in the interest of the rich, ignoring the plight of the poor) and democracy could degenerate into anarchy. A mixed constitution provided safeguards against these degenerations.It has to be noted that: a) this was an ancient Greek theory, 2) in the case of the Roman Republic, this applied to the whole of the political system and not exclusively to the government which was the annual rule by the two annually elected consuls.

What changes in England were steps toward representative government in the Medieval Ages?

During the Medieval Ages in England various steps were taken towards representative government including the formation of a Great Council the development of taxation systems and the establishment of a national assembly. The Great Council was a group of nobles and clergy who initially served as advisors to the king but eventually gained more legislative power and the ability to grant charters to towns and cities. Taxation systems were developed that allowed for the collection of revenue from the general population which could be used to finance government projects. The national assembly or Parliament was formed in 1265 and allowed for the representation of both the nobility and the commoners. This assembly eventually gained the right to approve taxation and legislation. These changes created the foundation for representative government in England and allowed for greater participation by the people in the decision-making process.

What type of government did the ancient Romans create?

Ancient Rome passed through three general forms of government during its long existence- monarchy, republic, and empire.1. It began as a kingdom, and legend places its founding in 753 BC. The kingship lasted for seven generations of kings, though there appears to have always been some resemblance of a Senate- a group of wealthy aristocrats called "patricians" who would meet to better organize their interests. The last king, Tarquinius Superbus, was expelled by a patrician uprising led by Brutus around 510 BC.2. Brutus established the consulship, where patricians elected two leaders to govern Rome. Brutus executed his own sons, who coveted the "throne" and a return to monarchy, to demonstrate that the consular positions would not be hereditary. The plebians (i.e., the non-slave population not considered to be members of this Senatorial patrician class) succeeded early in the 5th century in establishing a tribune that would hold veto power over decisions of the Senate. It was under this Republican government that Rome really expanded to control much of the land that would become its empire. Eventually, as Rome's territory increased, the military and military commanders began to hold more sway. The general Sulla pronounced himself a dictator in 86 BC, and when he died, two long civil wars destroyed what remained of the republican system.3. In 27 BC, the Senate made Octavian Augustus Caesar the first Emperor (Imperator) of Rome. Although there were many attempts to make the position a hereditary one, military commanders, and especially the Emperor's special security force- the Praetorian Guard- had the most influence over who ruled the Empire. The imperial form of government lasted in the West until 476 AD, when Odoacer forced the last emperor, Romulus Augustus, to abdicate. The Empire survived in Constantinople until it was conquered in 1453 by Sultan Mehmed II and the Ottoman Turks.

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Which systems of government are representative of the region?

Authoritarian state, constitutional monarchy, and republic

The federal system political systems?

The federal system political system is divided between the national government and regional government. The united states is a federal republic.

What system of government was practiced in roman society?

There were three systems of government in use by the Roman society over its long history. They began with a monarchy which evolved into a republic which in turn morphed into a principate.

Who laid the foundation for a new system of government in the roman empire?

There were two new systems of government in ancient Rome: the Roman Republic which followed by Roman monarchy and the rule by emperors which followed the Republic. The foundations of the Republic were laid by Lucius Junius Brutus and the foundations of rule by emperors were laid by Augustus.

What is name of the Roman government?

The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.The Romans had three systems of government at three different times. At first it was the monarchy when they were ruled by kings. Next came the republic when they were ruled by consensus. The third type of government was the principate (which some people erroneously call the empire). The principate kept the outward appearance of the republic, but was in fact, ruled by one individual.

Which part of the roman republic form of government has strongly influenced the US democracy?

The Roman Republic form of government had many things in common with US democracy, most notably perhaps, they both contained a senate. Both systems also contained "checks and balances" to try to prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What type government systems exist in Brazil Mexico and Cuba?

I had the same question! i found out the answer. Brazil and Mexico share the federal government.

How were the political systems of the Roman empire and the Roman republic different?

the Empire was virtually a Dictatorship and the republic was a democracy

What is the most notable characteristic of state party systems in the US?

They are all different

What type of economic systems does the Gambia has?

Semi Capitalist

What nation had the most influence on Japanese culture?

China had the most influence on Japanese culture, particularly in the fields of language, religion, philosophy, art, and government systems. Many aspects of Japanese culture, such as writing characters, Buddhism, Confucianism, and governmental structures, were borrowed or adapted from China.

What games systems is Star Wars republic commando on?

pc, xbox, and mobile